[ FAQ ]

How can I apply for a language not currently offered?
A: You can submit an application at the beginning of the quarter. Applications are available at the SLP office (Building 240 Room 209) and on the SLP web site.

Are all requests guaranteed to be fulfilled?
A: Unfortunately not. Whether a language request will be fulfilled depends on funding availability, the number of requests, your reason for requesting the language, and other criteria.

Can I audit a special language class?
A: No auditors are allowed in the SLP classes.


Can I take a special language to fulfill the University language requirement?
A: Yes. You will have to prove first year-level proficiency. You will need four quarters of study, an equivalent of 12 units, to complete your requirement. If you have already taken courses in the relevant language at another institution, or if you have previous knowledge of the language, you can request to be tested. The test comprises two parts, a written and an oral one, and you have to prove first year level proficiency in the requested language, in order to fulfill the requirement. Testing is guaranteed only for these languages that are currently offered. If you are planning to take a test you must contact the Special Language Program  no later than the Spring quarter of your sophomore year. To submit a request for language testing, or to request a language apply via the web at https://www.stanford.edu/dept/SLP/forms/application.fb.


Q: Can I take a special language to fulfill a Department's language requirement?
A: Yes. Usually you need two years of study to accomplish this.

Q: I've already studied a special language at another institution. Can I be tested to place out of my requirement?
A: Yes. Contact the SLP office to make arrangements for testing.

Q: Can I get credit for a language studied at another institution? Can I transfer the units?
A: Yes. Contact the SLP office for information.

Q: Can I take an independent study course?
A: Yes. If the student's level of proficiency requires a course that is not offered, we will arrange for independent study when possible.

Q: Are the SLP language courses offered for a grade?
A: The beginning level courses are offered for S/CR-NC. The intermediate and advanced level courses are offered for a letter grade.


Q: I am interested in enhancing specific language skills relevant to my research purposes. How can I accomplish that?
A: The Special Language Program courses offer individualized, self-paced instruction. The program emphasizes student involvement in learning and continuous interaction with the instructor. Please discuss this with your instructor at the beginning of the course.


Q: How can I obtain extra materials for studying a language?
A: Printed, audiovisual, and multimedia materials are ordered and updated as often as possible. We also develop our own materials for many languages. Please ask at the SLP office for specific information.

Q: How can I find out about other on-campus programs related to the study of the country/area where a language is spoken?
A: The SLP works closely with area studies programs and facilitates interaction with appropriate faculty, informs students about scholarship opportunities, studying abroad, etc. Please contact the SLP office.


Q: How have others enhanced their educational experience by taking a SLP language?
A: "The dissertation topic I have chosen to pursue deals with the dynamic between the nationalities of Transylvania (now part of Romania) during the inter-war period. For a thorough study of this time period and region, I will have to do archival work in Romania, where much of the material is, of course, in Romanian. This includes, but is not limited to: government documents, letters, the press, and literature. As such, a solid knowledge of spoken and written Romanian is necessary for research of the kind I have planned." -- SLP Student.


Q: How can I be more involved in the SLP and the language/culture I'm interested in?
A: You can apply for a position as a student assistant. There are opportunities in the areas of developing multimedia-based web materials, assisting with administrative tasks, becoming a mentor for a particular language, and many more. Please contact the SLP office.