Organization Manager


The Stanford organization hierarchy is maintained by the University Budget Office, which is the official source for organization identity information.

Organization Manager is a web application that allows departments to supplement their official identity with contact and descriptive information. This supplemental information is used in OrgSearch (the online organization directory), and in the Annual Printed Directory.

Each department that wants to use Organization Manager to manage their presence in the Stanford directories must have at least one assigned maintainer.

OrgSearch: Online Organization Directory

All official organizations are represented in OrgSearch, whether or not they use Organization Manager. A basic organization listing consists only of the official organization name and its administrative ID (org code). Maintainers using Organization Manager can supplement this basic listing with:

» More about OrgSearch

» More about Organization Manager for online listings

Annual Printed Directory

The printed Stanford Directory is created as a business venture by the Stanford Student Enterprises division of the ASSU, using a snapshot of data from the online directory.

Organizations must opt in to the printed directory; once the organization is listed, it is automatically included each year until it chooses to opt out. Two specific sections of the directory are generated from data entered in Organization Manager (see table), including the following information in a concise format:

This section of the directory Is maintained by
General Information ASSU
University Offices & Departments Department maintainers, via Org Manager
Medical Center Directory Department maintainers, via Org Manager
Faculty & Staff Individuals, via StanfordYou
Student Listings Individuals, via StanfordYou
Dining Guide ASSU
Yellow Pages ASSU

The directory update process

Each fall, a print deadline is established by the ASSU, and the MaIS team sends an email to all maintainers to inform them of the deadline. The maintainer generally has 4-6 weeks to ensure that their contact listing is accurate for the printed directory. On the specified deadline, MaIS briefly shuts down Organization Manager while we generate the data snapshot and send it to the ASSU. From that point, publication and distribution is managed by the ASSU; questions can be addressed to

2016 Directory Dates


The maintainer is an employee who has been given access in Organization Manager to update their organization's directory information. Once a department has a maintainer, that person can add other maintainers as appropriate. You can see the organizations (if any) for which you are a maintainer simply by logging into Organization Manager.

Current maintainers are listed here:

If your organization is not listed on either of these pages, that means it does not currently have a maintainer. If you are the appropriate person to be the maintainer, make a HelpSU request. Please include:

  1. your department name
  2. its 4-character organization code (displayed in square brackets after the org name in OrgSearch)
  3. the name of your University Budget Officer

University Budget Office

The Stanford organization hierarchy, as well as official organization names and codes, are maintained by the University Budget Office. That office publishes quarterly updates of organization data, and handles all org code and name change requests, creation of new organizations, inactivation of defunct organizations, and other official changes. Some useful links:

Other organization services

Some tasks related to organization information are handled by the Help Desk and Data Administration staff. Requests for the following should be placed by the maintainer, via a HelpSU request, including the name and org code of the organization: