The Stanford Astronomy Program has a mailing list hosted by University servers named astro_group. This mailing list contains notifications of astronomy group meetings, group lunches, and other gatherings and events, including astrophysics seminars at SLAC.
Additionally, there is a mailing list for seminars hosted by the Center for Space Science and Astrophysics (CSSA), Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC), and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). This Astronomy/CSSA/KIPAC/SLAC (ACKS) seminar mailing list is named cssa_announce (as the seminar series was formerly known as the CSSA seminars). Anyone subscribed to astro_group receives all messages on this list (astro_group is a subset of this list). This list announces ACKS seminars, as well other talks of widespread astronomical interest (e.g. the annual Bunyan Lecture). If you wish to receive notification of these events but not of the internal events of the Stanford Astronomy Group, you should subscribe to this list.
Self-maintenance on Stanford mailing lists
Stanford mailing lists allow individuals to subscribe and unsubscribe themselves. (This is generally also the easiest way to change a subscribed email address; simply unsubscribe the old address and subscribe the new one.)
In order to do so, visit the appropriate Mailman administration page for the mailing list to subscribe or unsubscribe (or change a subscribed address, or other options):
To subscribe, fill out the portion of the page headed "Subscribing to listname". To unsubscribe or change your subscribed account or other settings, enter your subscribed email account under "listname subscribers" and make any desired changes on that page.
Alternatively, you may subscribe or unsubscribe an email account by sending email from that account to:
The subject and body of the message are ignored; the simple fact of sending the email from the intended account is sufficient.
If you are receiving multiples of the same mail from a given Stanford mailing list, it is likely that you are subscribed individually and you are on another mailing list subscribed to the Stanford mailing list. (You can still undo your individual subscription to the Stanford mailing list yourself.)
If you still encounter problems with the mailing lists, you can send email to the
or the
Return to Astronomy Program page.
Last updated 26 June, 2006