
Government Publications about Stanford Lands

General Use Permit
The 2000 Santa Clara County Stanford General Use Permit (GUP) establishes conditions for the distribution of additional building area, procedures under which construction may occur, and associated measures which must be accomplished before, during and after construction.

Stanford Community Plan
The 2000 Santa Clara County Community Plan guides the future use and development of Stanford academic lands in a manner that incorporates key General Plan principles of compact urban development, open space preservation and resource conservation.

Sustainable Development Study
This 2008 study demonstrates how future development could be accommodated on the University Campus and to ensure that growth under the 2000 GUP and future growth patterns are consistent with quality planning practices and Santa Clara County’s planning objectives.

Core Publications by Stanford University

Annual Report
The Annual Report summarizes accomplishments, challenges and goals of the past year at Stanford University.

Economic Impact Study
This 2008 report presents factual information about the flow of resources in and out of Stanford, focusing primarily on the impact Stanford’s economic activities have on the cities of Palo Alto and Menlo Park and on the counties of Santa Clara and San Mateo.

Stanford Fact Book
The Stanford Fact Book contains an overview of Stanford’s history, academic programs, faculty, student life, lands, governance and much more.

Stanford Founding Grant
The 1885 Founding Grant with amendments, legislation, and court decrees published in 1987 explore the origins of the University.

Fact Sheets about Stanford University

Stanford Endowment
(last updated on 8/27/15)