Fingate Funds Management > CMS > How To... > Forecast Change to Employee Distribution of Effort in CMS

How To:  Forecast Change to Employee Distribution of Effort in CMS

Before You Start

CMS allows you to modify hard salary commitments for forecasting purposes. You can forecast a change of effort to a different account (PTA). You can also forecast a change in percentage of effort associated with that employee. You will see all pay lines associated with an employee even if you do not have "authority " over all pay lines. You can only edit those lines for which you have authority for. Because of this the Dist % can total over 100%.

Employee records must exist in PeopleSoft and Oracle Labor Distribution in order for information to be available in CMS for forecasting and reporting purposes.

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What's Next?

  • To remove forecasted changes, click the Reset CMS to match Hard button. This will reset all salary distribution lines to match current Hard Commitment data from PeopleSoft and Oracle Labor Distribution.
  • You can view the new forecasted salary in the People > Monthly Spread tab and on the Account Overview screen from the Accounts tab.
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