Class Information
Zen Budokai
Stanford Jujitsu Club

About this web site

Current maintainer

Jonathan "JD" Dirrenberger maintains this site. You can send comments and suggestions about the website to his personal email address


Most of the content on this site is due to Don Geddis. He has obviously spent many hours giving us a very extensive martial art club site.

Danny Abramovitch wrote our FAQ. It remains one of the best short introductions to martial arts aournd, written for our class or not. Danny is currently working near Stanford at Agilent Labs.

Other club members of the past and present have also contributed. Ben Escoto maintained the page from 11/99 through 6/04 and added his expertise with software, programming languages, and general computer knowledge to the site. Joe DeRisi digitized all the MPEGs in the video section and did the characters on the front page. Roger Avedon has created some interesting diagrams and the initial version of the background. Jonathan Dirrenberger has helped with numerous suggestions and made some of the text buttons and other images. He is currently hoping to improve the site significantly in the near future. Apologies to those whose efforts may have been overlooked.


This site was created by Don Geddis in 1993. In late 1999, it was turned over to Ben Escoto and reorganized. In 2002 it was given a slightly different look at the prompting of Jonathan Dirrenberger. Jonathan then inherited the site fully in the summer of 2004.


Originally, Ben used XEmacs to edit files in Ralf Engelshall's useful Website META Language (WML). He would then use rsync to get it to Stanford's server. All this software runs under Linux and is free. However, since Ben stopped maintaining the site and took with him his computer and expertise, Jonathan has been maintaining the site the old-fashioned way: by editing the html files with a text editor.

Also, we recommend using a free and W3C standards compliant browser such as Firefox or Opera to view this site. The Dolmen font is used for the title on the top of each page and the main items in the menu bar on the left-hand side.

Page updated: Sep 19, 2005 17:34:49
About this site