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Tobias Meyer

Ca2+, lipid second messenger and small GTPase signaling pathways; Control of cell polarity, chemotaxis, and collective migration as well as cell proliferation and differentiation decisions


Steve Cappell

I am interested in understanding the precise molecular events that allow cells to transition from G1 to S phase and enter the cell cycle. Specifically, I use quantitative and systems-level approaches to study the roles of CDKs and the ubiquitin ligases APC and SCF in regulating the G1/S checkpoint

Lin Gan

My research interests are understanding mTOR signaling and nutrient sensing from a global perspective as well as elucidating the mechanism of nutrient sensing at the molecular level

Damien Garbett

In order to migrate as a cohesive group, cells must coordinate their polarization signals, migratory direction and speed, maintenance of cell-cell junctions, and cytoskeletal activity all at both the single cell and group levels. I am interested in how cells within a group are able to achieve this remarkable level of coordination.

Arnold Hayer

Collective endothelial cell migration Collective cell migration is required for morphogenesis during development and for repair following injury. Directional signals guiding collective cell movement are thought to be transmitted mechanically between cells via cell-cell junctions. Using monolayers of primary human endothelial cells (HUVEC) as a model system, I study how forces applied to the junction locally by one cell are sensed by its neighbor and converted into biochemical signals.

Ariel Jaimovich

After being transcribed, mRNA can go through a variety of processes that control its translation into protein. I'm interested in using a variety of tools to visualize mRNA in fixed and living cells in order to learn more about the various aspects of translation regulation

Xuecai Ge

Seth Malmersjo

I am interested in the molecular mechanism of mast cell secretion. Mast cells are key players in acute allergic reactions and allergic asthma. Upon activation by antigen stimulation, mast cells release their granule content, such as histamine.

Hee Won Yang

I am interested in understanding the signaling network in systems level. How signaling proteins induce signaling cascades, cross-regulate, and are correlated with each other.

Graduate students

Anjali Bisaria

Mingyu Chung

The rate of cell division is largely dictated by the amount of time individual cells spend in a non-dividing state before entering a cycle of cell division. My research focuses on dissecting the signaling pathways regulating cell-cycle entry.

Yilin Fan

Bo Gu

Joint with the Wysocka lab

Chad Liu

Akiko Seki

How do cells response to extracellular stimuli? How are the signals beautifully orchestrated inside of a cell? To understand the questions, I'm studying 2 signal-induced cellular responses. One is looking at primary cilia disassembly by growth factor signal using single-cell imaging techniques. Another project is investigating how mTORC1 is activated by amino acid stimulation using biochemical approaches.

Amy Winans

During maturation, hippocampal neurons form a single axon and multiple dendrites. My work assesses the role of trafficking in this axon specification decision. Specifically, I'm examining the selective trafficking of Kinesin 1 into certain neurites and well as actin waves that move up and down the neurites of polarizing cells.


Jennie Rivera Visitacion

Administrative Associate

Jaime Larios

Lab technician