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Sulfur Dioxide


Current scientific evidence links short-term exposures to SO2, ranging from 5 minutes to 24 hours, with an array of adverse respiratory effects including bronchoconstriction and increased asthma symptoms.  These effects are particularly important for asthmatics at elevated ventilation rates (e.g., while exercising or playing.)  

Studies also show a connection between short-term exposure and increased visits to emergency departments and hospital admissions for respiratory illnesses, particularly in at-risk populations including children, the elderly, and asthmatics.

EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard for SO2 is designed to protect against exposure to the entire group of sulfur oxides (SOx).  SO2 is the component of greatest concern and is used as the indicator for the larger group of gaseous sulfur oxides (SOx).  Other gaseous sulfur oxides (e.g. SO3) are found in the atmosphere at concentrations much lower than SO2.      

Emissions that lead to high concentrations of SO2 generally also lead to the formation of other SOx.  Control measures that reduce SO2 can generally be expected to reduce people’s exposures to all gaseous SOx.  This may have the important co-benefit of reducing the formation of fine sulfate particles, which pose significant public health threats.

SOx can react with other compounds in the atmosphere to form small particles. These particles penetrate deeply into sensitive parts of the lungs and can cause or worsen respiratory disease, such as emphysema and bronchitis, and can aggravate existing heart disease, leading to increased hospital admissions and premature death.  EPA’s NAAQS for particulate matter (PM) are designed to provide protection against these health effects.


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