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Lindred Leura Greer

Lindred Leura Greer
Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior
Contact Info
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Younger Family Faculty Scholar for 2015-2016
Academic Area: 
Organizational Behavior

Research Statement

Lindred Greer’s research focuses on teams and small groups. In her primary line of research, she examines how team power structures and power dynamics impact team performance, particularly in early stage start-ups. She extends theory and research from social psychology on power to the study of teams, entrepreneurship, and organizational behavior. Her work has shown that power differences within and between teams are key determinants of team effectiveness.

Research Interests

  • Teams
  • Start-ups
  • Conflict
  • Power struggles
  • Hierarchy
  • Diversity
  • Leadership


Lindred L. Greer is Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and she teaches the core Groups and Teams course in the MBA program. Professor Greer’s work focuses on the impact of team composition on intragroup conflict and team performance. She has a particular interest in how teams, particularly early stage start-up teams, are composed in terms of power, status, and leadership structures, and when and why particular forms of team composition may fuel power struggles and conflicts. When investigating teams, she often adopts a multi-level theoretical approach in understanding how individuals within the same team may differentially experience team structures and processes. In carrying our her research, she employs a variety of methods, including field (ranging from survey to quasi-experimental studies), laboratory, and archival research. Her research appears in academic journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Science.

Professor Greer is Associate Editor at the journal Small Group Research, and she is on the editorial boards at the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Professor Greer joined the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2013. She received her BS at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and her PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology at Leiden University in the Netherlands.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology, Leiden University, 2008
  • BS in Economics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2004

Academic Appointments

  • At Stanford University since 2013

Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal, 2015.
  • Outstanding Paper Award Winner of the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2014 (for the best paper published in the International Journal of Conflict Management in 2013)
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal, 2012.
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, 2010
  • Christiaan Hamaker Teaching Award, Psychology Department, University of Amsterdam, 2010
  • Best Dissertation Award, American Psychological Association (APA) Division 49, 2009
  • Best Project on Performance Improvement in Service Delivery (Finalist), European Institute for Public Administration, 2009
  • Best Dissertation Award (Top 3 Finalist), International Association for Conflict Management, 2009
  • Outstanding Paper Award Winner of the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008 (for the best paper published in the International Journal of Conflict Management in 2007)
  • Emerald Best Student Paper Award, Academy of Management, Gender & Diversity in Organizations Division, 2007
  • Best Student Paper Award, Academy of Management, Conflict Management Division, 2007, 2008
  • Best Student Paper Award, International Association for Conflict Management, 2005, 2007, 2008


Journal Articles

Ruchi Sinha, Niranjan Sivanthan, Lindred Leura Greer, Donald Conlon, Jeffery Edwards. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2015, Vol. in press.
Murat Taracki, Lindred Leura Greer, Patrick Groenen. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2015, Vol. in press.
Meir Shemla, Bertolt Meyer, Lindred Leura Greer, Karen A. Jehn. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2015, Vol. in press.
Ozum Saygi, Lindred Leura Greer, Gerben Van Kleef, Carsten De Dreu. Group Decision & Negotiation. 2015, Vol. 24, Pages 993-1014.
Annebel De Hoogh, Lindred Leura Greer, Deanne Den Hartog. Leadership Quarterly. 2015, Vol. 26, Pages 687-701.
Bianca Beersma, Lindred Leura Greer, Sandar Dalenberg, Carsten De Dreu. Group Dynamics. 2015, Vol. in press.
Ozum Saygi, Lindred Leura Greer, Gerben Van Kleef, Carsten De Dreu. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 2014, Vol. 17, Pages 143-160.
Astrid Homan, Lindred Leura Greer. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 2013, Vol. 16, Pages 105-125.
Lindred Leura Greer, Corinne Bendersky. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013, Vol. 6, Pages 239-252.
Hillie Aaldering, Lindred Leura Greer, Gerben Van Kleef, Carsten De Dreu. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 2013, Vol. 120, Pages 240-250.
Lindred Leura Greer. Small Group Research. 2012, Vol. 43, Pages 655-661.
Lindred Leura Greer, Ozum Saygi, Hillie Aaldering, Carsten De Dreu. Medical Education. 2012, Vol. 46, Pages 935-942.
Daniel Sligte, Lindred Leura Greer, Carsten De Dreu. Revista de Psicología Social: International Journal of Social Psychology (special issue on power). 2012, Vol. 27, Pages 347-354.
Carsten De Dreu, Lindred Leura Greer, Michel Handgraaf, Shaul Shalvi, Gerben Van Kleef. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2012, Vol. 279, Pages 1150-1154.
Carsten De Dreu, Shaul Shalvi, Lindred Leura Greer, Gerben Van Kleef, Michel Handgraaf. PLoS One. 2012, Vol. 7, Issue 11, Pages e46751.
Lindred Leura Greer, Astrid Homan, Annebel De Hoogh, Deanne Den Hartog. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2012, Vol. 97, Pages 203-13.
Frank De Wit, Lindred Leura Greer, Karen Jehn. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2012, Vol. 97, Pages 360-390.
Sonja Rispens, Lindred Leura Greer, Karen Jehn. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011, Vol. 4, Pages 277-296.
Carsten De Dreu, Lindred Leura Greer, Michel Handgraaf, Gerben Van Kleef, Shaul Shalvi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2011, Vol. 108, Pages 1262-1266.
Lindred Leura Greer, Heather Caruso, Karen Jehn. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 2011, Vol. 116, Pages 116-128.
Astrid Homan, Lindred Leura Greer, Karen Jehn, Lukas Koning. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 2010, Vol. 13, Pages 477-493.
Lindred Leura Greer, Gerben Van Kleef. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2010, Vol. 95, Pages 1032-1044.
Carsten De Dreu, Lindred Leura Greer, Michel Handgraaf, Shaul Shalvi, Gerben Van Kleef, Matthijs Baas, Femke Ten Velden, Eric Van Dijk, S Feith. Science. 2010, Vol. 328, Pages 1408-1411.
Lindred Leura Greer, Karen Jehn. International Journal of Leadership Studies. 2009, Vol. 5, Pages 102-120.
Lindred Leura Greer, Karen Jehn, Elizabeth Mannix. Small Group Research. 2008, Vol. 39, Pages 278-302.
Sherry Thatcher, Lindred Leura Greer. Journal of Managemnet. 2008, Vol. 34, Pages 5-24.
Karen Jehn, Lindred Leura Greer, Sheen Levine, Gabriel Szulanski. Group Decision & Negotiation. 2008, Vol. 17, Pages 465-495.
Sonja Rispens, Lindred Leura Greer, Karen Jehn. International Journal of Conflict Management. 2007, Vol. 18, Pages 325-344.
Lindred Leura Greer, Karen Jehn. Reserach on Managing Groups and Teams. 2007, Vol. 10, Pages 21-43.

Book Chapters

Lindred Leura Greer. Handbook of Research in Conflict Management . Cheltenham, UK: Edward Edgar Publishing, 2014, Pages 93-108.
Karen Jehn, Lindred Leura Greer. The Oxford Handbook of Diversity and Work. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2012, Pages 179-191.

Courses Taught

Degree Courses


This course introduces you to the structures and processes that affect group performance and highlights some of the common pitfalls associated with working in teams. Topics include team culture, fostering creativity and coordination, making group...

The psychology of startup teams is a major determinant of their ultimate success. In this course, we explore the psychological dynamics specific to startup teams and identify ways to effectively lead startup teams to their optimal performance. We...


This course introduces you to the structures and processes that affect group performance and highlights some of the common pitfalls associated with working in teams. Topics include team culture, fostering creativity and coordination, making group...

The psychology of startup teams is a major determinate of their ultimate success. In this course, we explore the psychological dynamics specific to startup teams and identify ways to effectively lead startup teams to their optimal performance. We...


This course introduces you to the structures and processes that affect group performance and highlights some of the common pitfalls associated with working in teams. Topics include team culture, fostering creativity and coordination, making group...

This course offers a deeper examination of team dynamics than was provided in Groups and Teams. The course goal is to provide you with tips and tools to maximize the performance of your teams at work. Topics include forming start-up teams,...

This seminar focuses on topics relevant to organizational behavior, drawing primarily on social psychological and some sociological research. Topics vary from year to year. In Fall 2014 the seminar will focus on group and team dynamics. Topics...

Service to the Profession


  • Associate Editor, Small Group Research, 2011-2015
  • Guest Editor, Special Issue on Power and Conflict, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 2013

Editorial Boards

  • Academy of Management Journal, 2011-
  • Administrative Science Quarterly, 2013-
  • Journal of Applied Psychology, 2015-
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2013-
  • Small Group Research, 2009-2011

Committee Membership and Elected/Appointed Positions

  • Best Paper Committee, OB Division Academy of Management, 2014; International Association of Conflict Management, 2014
  • Representative-at-Large, Conflict Management Division, Academy of Management, 2011-2013
  • Program Chair, International Association of Conflict Management, 2012
  • Co-Organizer, Group & Organizational Processes Research Track, Kurt Lewin Institute, 2009-2012
  • Finance Committee-New Doctoral Student Consortium, Academy of Management, Member 2005-06, Co-Chair, 2006-07, Chair 2007-08

Internal Service

  • Doctoral advisor for: Lisanne van Bunderen, Rotterdam School of Management
  • Dissertation committee: Siyu Yu, NYU; Andrew Wild, Education, Stanford University; Nicoleta Meslec, Org. Studies, Tilburg University, 2013; Murat Taracki, 2013, Victoria Visser, 2013, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, 2013

In the Media

Small Business Opportunies, March 30, 2015
Insights by Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2015, May 13, 2014

Insights by Stanford Business

September 10, 2015
Managers are often chosen for reasons other than competence.
March 11, 2015
The intense atmosphere at startups can make conflicts difficult to resolve.
November 7, 2014
A professor of organizational behavior explains why disagreements among virtual teams can escalate more quickly than in face-to-face encounters.
October 31, 2014
Tips for managing toxic disagreements before they destroy a team.
May 7, 2014
A scholar of organizational behavior explains how managers can contain the spread of disagreement in their team.
January 16, 2014
New research shows how business leaders can minimize conflicts within their top teams.