Confronted by accusations that America’s ISIS strategy remains too tepid, the Obama administration is firing back with the argument that larger U.S. military commitments on the ground will actually play into the enemy’s hands.
featuring Michael McFaulvia Bozeman Daily Chronicle (MT)
Monday, December 14, 2015
“We need you. Our country needs you. The world needs you.” This was the charge to Montana State University students at Saturday’s fall graduation ceremony by commencement speaker Michael McFaul.
Despised people -- terrorists; slaveholders; Republicans, to the New York Times -- think of themselves as good and worthy, though they do things we find unfathomably evil.
The title of this article, which was inspired by a line from poet John Masefield, seems apt: Chipotle, the once-popular Mexican restaurant chain, is experiencing a well-deserved downward spiral.
Did Ben Bernanke and the Fed save the U.S. economy from disaster in 2008 or did the Fed make things worse? Why did the Fed reward banks that kept reserves rather than releasing funds into the economy? George Selgin of the Cato Institute tries to answer these questions and more in this conversation with EconTalk host Russ Roberts.
Judge Pohl calls the commission to order, and this time, we actually have a session. Everyone is here except Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Mustafa Al Hawsawi, but they have waived their presences voluntarily. So we’re good to go.
In two words, "It's complicated." In October, I challenged co-blogger Scott Sumner's claim that the Liberal Party's electoral win in Canada would lead to an increase in freedom.