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Stephen Haber

Hoover IP2 Announces 2016 Summer Teaching Institute

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Stephen Haber, director of the Hoover Institution Working Group on Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Prosperity (Hoover IP2), has announced that the two-week Hoover IP2 Summer Teaching Institute on the Economics and Politics of Regulation will take place from July 31 through August 12, 2016.


Victor Davis Hanson: California’s War On The Working Class

interview with Victor Davis Hansonvia
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson discusses the decline of his native California and the increasing distance between the Democrat and Republican elites and average, middle-class Americans.

In the News

Opinion: Clinton's Wall Street Attack Would Only Hurt You And Me

quoting Charles Calomirisvia Market Watch
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Memo to Wall Street: Hillary Clinton attacks you in the New York Times not because you did anything wrong. No, it is simply early December, and she is reminding you to make your 2015 contribution. It is time to pony up some big bucks to her favorite charity. Look on the bright side: It is tax-deductible.

Thomas Sowell discusses wealth, poverty, and politics
Blank Section (Placeholder)Featured

Wealth, Poverty, And Politics

interview with Thomas Sowellvia Uncommon Knowledge
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Poverty in America and the Welfare State.

Analysis and Commentary

Rousu On The Hunger Games

by David R. Hendersonvia EconLog
Monday, December 7, 2015

The Hunger Games also does a good job of showing the poverty that results from this form of government control. An economy is not well-served when government violates people's right to sort themselves into the work they can best accomplish. Panem's government does this, and, as a result, its people are poor.


Tim Kane: Could Big Pharma Deals Cost The U.S. Jobs?

interview with Timothy Kanevia Bloomberg
Friday, December 4, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Tim Kane discusses Obamacare, government regulations, pharmaceutical company deals, and the possible impact on US jobs.

Analysis and Commentary

Krugman: Deregulate Housing

by David R. Hendersonvia EconLog
Monday, November 30, 2015

Rising demand for urban living by the elite could be met largely by increasing supply. There's still room to build, even in New York, especially upward. Yet while there is something of a building boom in the city, it's far smaller than the soaring prices warrant, mainly because land use restrictions are in the way.

Hoover fellow Richard Epstein on income inequality.
Analysis and Commentary

Fixed-Income Comments

by John H. Cochrane via Grumpy Economist
Monday, November 30, 2015

A month ago, I attended the SF Fed/Bank of Canada conference on fixed income. I had the chance to comment on Michael Bauer and Jim Hamilton's "Robust Bond Risk Premia.” My comments here.

Edward Paul Lazear
In the News

The West Makes Little Hoary Company

quoting Edward Paul Lazearvia Il Foglio
Saturday, November 28, 2015

From the Wall Street Journal: Stanford economist Edward Lazear discusses the demographic bomb and entrepreneurship.

Analysis and Commentary

Hounded Out Of Business II

by John H. Cochrane via Grumpy Economist
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nathaniel Popper at the New York Times Dealbook, writes "Dream of New Kind of Credit Union Is Extinguished by Bureaucracy" It's a worthy addition to the series of anecdotes on how regulation, especially discretionary actions of regulators, are killing investment and businesses.


Economic Policy Working Group

The Working Group on Economic Policy brings together experts on economic and financial policy to study key developments in the U.S. and global economies, examine their interactions, and develop specific policy proposals.

Milton and Rose Friedman: An Uncommon Couple