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Analysis and Commentary

Henry I. Miller: Chipotle's Misplaced Food Priorities

by Henry I. Millervia Investor's Business Daily
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

There's a regular newspaper column that includes items dubbed, "Why Do Bad Things Always Happen to Him?" — implying that unwelcome outcomes often result from flawed judgment rather than bad luck. That fits with what has been happening to restaurant chain Chipotle Mexican Grill.

Analysis and Commentary

That Fishy Stench From The New York Times

by Henry I. Millervia Forbes
Monday, December 7, 2015

For one brief, shining moment, I was beginning to think the New York Times had finally seen the folly of its decades-long vendetta against the use of modern genetic engineering techniques to produce food.

In the News

Even ExxonMobil Says Climate Change Is Real. So Why Won’t The GOP?

mentioning George P. Shultzvia The Washington Post
Sunday, December 6, 2015

To understand how dangerously extreme the Republican Party has become on climate change, compare its stance to that of ExxonMobil.

In the News

How Climate Change Came To Shape Jerry Brown’s Legacy

quoting Bill Whalenvia Sacramento Bee
Saturday, December 5, 2015

On the last weekend in May, Gov. Jerry Brown traveled to a cabin on the Russian River to help spread the cremains of Peter Finnegan, one of his oldest friends.

Background Essay

No German Bomb—At Least For Now

by Thomas Donnellyvia Strategika
Friday, December 4, 2015

This past September, the U.S. Air Force introduced a cache of 20 new B61-12 nuclear bombs to the Luftwaffe’s Büchel Air Base in western Germany. The upgrade, part of the NATO program on nuclear “sharing,” replaced a higher-yield version of the venerable B61 with a less destructive weapon, but it nonetheless sparked protest by opposition parties in Germany.

Analysis and Commentary

California Isn’t Any Better At Reducing CO2 Emissions Than The Rest Of The U.S.

by Carson Brunovia Fox and Hounds Daily (CA)
Friday, December 4, 2015

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change currently being held in Paris seemingly has everyone focused on this issue. Oddly enough, even though they can’t negotiate for the United States (nor, are the U.S. negotiators likely to listen to them), California has a large delegation in France’s capital, including Governor Jerry Brown, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De León, and a host of legislators and business leaders. 

In the News

Exposing Questionable Claims About Inequality

quoting Thomas Sowellvia Carolina Journal Online
Friday, December 4, 2015

It’s hard to reach the right conclusion when you start with false premises. That’s why one of the most critical elements of public policy debate involves ensuring that those taking part in the debate base their recommendations on sound premises.


Adam White: Net Neutrality Goes To Court

interview with Adam J. Whitevia The Federalist Society
Friday, December 4, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Adam White will discuss net neutrality and the FCC.

In the News

GOP Presidents Recognized Need For U.S. Leadership On Ozone Depletion And Climate Change

mentioning George P. Shultzvia History News Network
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush actively promoted measures to combat climate change, with Reagan in 1987 overruling objections within his own Cabinet to a major proposed treaty to protect the ozone layer, according to recently declassified records posted today by the George Washington University-based National Security Archive. 


Joshua Rauh: ‘Unicorns’ And Warnings Of A Tech Bubble

interview with Joshua D. Rauhvia WBUR
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Joshua Rauh discusses the herd of tech startups valued at more than a billion dollars – so-called “unicorns,” Airbnb, Uber – and whether their bubble is about to burst.


Research Teams

The Task Force on Energy Policy addresses energy policy in the United States and its effects on our domestic and international political priorities, particularly our national security.

The Arctic Security Initiative addresses the strategic and security implications of increased Arctic activity and identifies opportunities for shaping a safe, secure, and prosperous Arctic.