People |
Hadi Dowlatabadi
Conor Reynolds
Jerry Spiegel
Hisham Zerriffi
Projects |
Risks and Benefits of Nanotechnology
Milind Kandlikar
This work focuses on quantifying the health risks from nanoparticles using expert judgment; I also work on how scientists view the regulation of health risks from nanotechnology.
Community of Practice in Ecosystems to Human Health in Latin America and the Caribbean
Jerry Spiegel
This IDRC project has allowed us to create opportunities for deepening understanding and excellence while creating new possibilities for involvement among researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and communities. The COPEH that we intend to build is a network of partnerships of trans-disciplinary, multi-agency, community-linked, international expertise, based on the three pillars of an eco-health approach: trans-disciplinary, participation and equity.
Rural Energy and Human Health
Hisham Zerriffi
This project is developing an integrated framework for
understanding the complex relationships between rural energy use,
socio-ecological systems and human health. It will highlight areas in
which further research is needed and where policies can be developed to improve human and ecological welfare.
Publications |
Clean fuel worsens climate impacts for some vehicle engines: UBC study
Conor Reynolds, Milind Kandlikar, Andrew Grieshop
A pioneering program by one of the world’s largest cities to switch its vehicle fleet to clean fuel has not significantly improved harmful vehicle emissions in more than 5,000 vehicles – and worsened some vehicles’ climate impacts – a new University of British Columbia study finds.
March 01, 2011
Events |
Understanding Swine Flu: A Panel of Experts
May 08, 2009
The spread of the H1N1 virus from its first confirmed cases on April 24 prompted the World Health Organization to warn five days later that the first influenza pandemic since 1968 was "imminent." Mexico has seen more than 600 cases of H1N1, the virus has appeared in over twenty countries and over half of U.S. states and 8 Canadian provinces. It has now spread from humans back to swine.
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