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25th Anniversary of the San Francisco Bay Trail Celebrated With Photo Exhibit and Event

February 24, 2014
On Thursday, February 27, 2014, a host of organizations, trail supporters and members of the public will gather at the Bay Model in Sausalito to celebrate a significant milestone—the 25th anniversary of the San Francisco Bay Trail. This evening will include a stunning photography exhibit and a lecture by Bay Trekker Kurt Schwabe describing his historic walk around the 330-plus mile Bay Trail in 30 days. The evening will also feature Sam Schuchat, executive director of the Coastal Conservancy, talking about the Conservancy’s leadership efforts to support the Bay Trail and how the work is progressing. Bruce Beyaert of the Trails for Richmond Action Committee and San Francisco Bay Trail Project Board will talk about his on-the-ground partnership efforts to create and maintain the Bay Trail.

“This is an opportunity to learn about the Bay Trail and all it has to offer,” said Brian Baird, Director of the Ocean and Coastal Program at The Bay Institute and Aquarium of the Bay. “We are delighted to host this program with many other sponsors as part of our Aquarium of the Bay Film and Lecture Series for 2014.”

The event is sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Trail, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Aquarium of the Bay, The Bay Institute, US Army Corps of Engineers and Association of Bay Area Governments.

Members of the public are invited to attend the celebration at the Bay Model, where they will enjoy the photography exhibit, refreshments and three great presentations. Tickets are $10 per person via Eventbrite and include a free copy of the Bay Trail boxed map set, complete with 24 Bay Trail itineraries. To register or for more information please visit The exhibit of Kurt Schwabe’s photos, “Walking the Bay Trail: A Photo Journal,” will be on display at the Bay Model through March 31, 2014. [Hours]

Background About the Bay Trail

The Bay Trail was originally envisioned as a “ring around the Bay” by then-state Senator Bill Lockyer, whose Senate Bill 100 was passed into law in 1987 with the endorsement of the entire Bay Area legislative delegation. SB 100 directed the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to develop an alignment for the Bay Trail, as well as funding and implementation plans for the trail. It was 25 years ago, in 1989, that ABAG adopted this plan for the Bay Trail. The following year, ABAG set up the Bay Trail Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to planning, promoting and advocating implementation of the Bay Trail. Lockyer’s vision has since become a reality, with the construction of the Bay Trail well under way. To date, 330 miles of the 500-mile trail have been completed. When completed, it will connect all nine Bay Area counties.

The Bay Trail increases public respect and appreciation for the Bay by offering easily accessible recreational opportunities for hikers, bikers, joggers, and other outdoor enthusiasts, as well as offering an ideal setting for wildlife viewing and environmental education. Among its many benefits, the Bay Trail offers important transportation alternatives for cyclists and pedestrians, currently connecting to numerous public transportation facilities throughout the Bay Area, with plans to expand these benefits by eventually crossing all of the major toll bridges. To learn more about the Bay Trail please visit