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Caldecott Tunnel Fourth Bore Grand Opening

November 15, 2013
After passing muster with fire officials, the new Caldecott Fourth Bore got the go-ahead in time for a grand opening ceremony on Friday, November 15 and inaugural traffic the following day. Local, regional, state and federal officials and a 200-plus crowd gathered at the eastern portal of the new bore on Friday to cut a ceremonial ribbon and unveil the kid-designed decorative medallions that grace both the east and west portals of the new tunnel. See story

Congressman George Miller leads the Fourth Bore's ceremonial ribbon cutting. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Congressman George Miller leads the Fourth Bore's ceremonial ribbon cutting. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Over 200 people gathered in the sun to cheer on the newest addition to the Caldecott Tunnel. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

The medallion artists pose with their designs. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Janet Abelson, Contra Costa Transportation Authority Chair (left) and MTC Commissioner Dorene Giacopini (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

MTC Commissioner Dorene Giacopini (left) and Janet Abelson, Contra Costa Transportation Authority Chair (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

MTC Chair Amy Worth congratulates one of the young artists whose medallion designs adorn the tunnel portal. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

The medallion artists pose with their designs. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx poses with Randell Iwasaki, executive director of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

For young medallion artist Chaya Tong, the still-empty tunnel inspires a joyful leap.

Caltrans Director Malcolm Doughtery announced to a cheering crowd that the bore would open earlier than expected. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

“As one of the initiators of this project in 1998, I am proud to see the fourth bore of the Caldecott Tunnel open and provide sorely needed traffic relief for East Bay commuters,” State Senator Mark DeSaulnier said. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Janet Abelson, chair of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority, greets the crowd. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

State, local and federal officials gather to celebrate the new bore. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

One of the funding partners is the California Transportation Commission, whose chair James O. Ghielmetti spoke at the event. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Scott Haggerty, MTC Commissioner and Chair of the Alameda County Transportation Commission(Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

The Fourth Bore opened to traffic Saturday, November 16, 2013. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)

Traffic streams through the tunnel on opening day. (Photo: Karl Nielsen)