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San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge New East Span

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December 2009 Shanghai Photo Album

Chinese and American Officials Join to Celebrate First Shipment of Steel Components for the Bay Area's New Bay Bridge East Span

Click images to enlarge in a new window. All photos by Bill Hall, Caltrans.
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 Framed by a rendering of the new East Span’s self-anchored suspension span (SAS), ZPMC Executive Vice President and Marketing Director Dai Wen-kai greets the audience at the Shanghai ceremony marking the shipment of the first steel pieces for the SAS to the Bay Area.

 In this long view of the ceremony, the fully loaded ship sits to the left, while the partially assembled tower for the SAS rises behind the stage.

(Left and above) The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of a symbolic flower-bedecked ribbon that was cut by the American and Chinese officials.

 The celebration was punctuated with canon blasts that rained colorful confetti on the stage.

 Caltrans Toll Bridge Program Manager Tony Anziano addresses the crowd.

 A portion of the American contingent of Team China – consisting of engineers from Caltrans, materials inspectors from Caltrop and staff from American Bridge/Fluor – pauses for a photo opportunity.

 The post-event banquet at the ZPMC hotel, seen from above.

 A water view of the Zhen Hua 17 just before it sets sail; visible behind the boat is the SAS tower, which will be shipped in phases starting in the spring of 2010.

 The Zhen Hua 17 departs from Shanghai's Changxing Island and makes its way down the Yangtze River, on its way to the Pacific Ocean.

To inquire about using these photos, contact MTC Senior Public Information Officer Brenda Kahn,, 510-817-5773.