Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators
Caccamo, Rita
Back to Middletown: Three Generations of Sociological Reflections
Cacciari, Massimo
Posthumous People: Vienna at the Turning Point
Cadava, Eduardo
Emerson and the Climates of History
Cahill, Suzanne E.
Transcendence and Divine Passion: The Queen Mother of the West in Medieval China
Cai, Zong-qi
A Chinese Literary Mind: Culture, Creativity, and Rhetoric in Wenxin diaolong
Cai, Yongshun
Collective Resistance in China: Why Popular Protests Succeed or Fail
State and Agents in China: Disciplining Government Officials
Calarco, Matthew
Giorgio Agamben: Sovereignty and Life
Calarco, Matthew
Thinking Through Animals: Identity, Difference, Indistinction
Calder, Kent
The Making of Northeast Asia
Caldwell, Dan
Vortex of Conflict: U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq
Calichman, Richard
Beyond Nation: Time, Writing, and Community in the Work of Abe Kōbō
Callahan, Xavier
[Translated by]
The Technical Imagination: Argentine Culture's Modern Dreams
Callon, Scott
Divided Sun: MITI and the Breakdown of Japanese High-Tech Industrial Policy, 1975-1993
Calvin, Jack
Between Pacific Tides: Fifth Edition
Camden, Vera J.
Trauma and Transformation: The Political Progress of John Bunyan
Camic, Charles
Max Weber's Economy and Society: A Critical Companion
Campbell, Jill
Natural Masques: Gender and Identity in Fielding’s Plays and Novels
Campbell, John Martin
Magnificent Failure: A Portrait of the Western Homestead Era
Campbell, Tom
Separation of Powers in Practice
Campbell, Timothy C.
[Translated by]
Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community
Campe, Rüdiger
The Game of Probability: Literature and Calculation from Pascal to Kleist
Campos, Michelle
Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine
Cancian, Frank
The Decline of Community in Zinacantan: Economy, Public Life, and Social Stratification, 1960-1987
Candiani, Vera S.
Dreaming of Dry Land: Environmental Transformation in Colonial Mexico City
Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge
How to Write the History of the New World: Histories, Epistemologies, and Identities in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
Puritan Conquistadors: Iberianizing the Atlantic, 1550-1700
Nature, Empire, and Nation: Explorations of the History of Science in the Iberian World
Cao, Nanlai
Constructing China's Jerusalem: Christians, Power, and Place in Contemporary Wenzhou
Caplan, Karen D.
Indigenous Citizens: Local Liberalism in Early National Oaxaca and Yucatán
Caplan, Marc
How Strange the Change: Language, Temporality, and Narrative Form in Peripheral Modernisms
Carlier, Jeannie
The Present Alone is Our Happiness: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson
Carlisle, David Brez
Dinosaurs, Diamonds, and Things from Outer Space: The Great Extinction
Carlson, Allen
Rethinking Security in East Asia: Identity, Power, and Efficiency
Carlson, Allen
Unifying China, Integrating with the World: Securing Chinese Sovereignty in the Reform Era
Carlson, Marcia J.
Social Class and Changing Families in an Unequal America
Carlston, Erin G.
Thinking Fascism: Sapphic Modernism and Fascist Modernity
Carmines, Edward G.
Prejudice, Politics, and the American Dilemma
Carnes, Matthew E.
Continuity Despite Change: The Politics of Labor Regulation in Latin America
Carnochan, W. B.
The Battleground of the Curriculum: Liberal Education and American Experience
Gibbon’s Solitude: The Inward World of the Historian
Carnochan, W. B.
The Sad Story of Burton, Speke, and the Nile; or, Was John Hanning Speke a Cad?: Looking at the Evidence
Golden Legends: Images of Abyssinia, Samuel Johnson to Bob Marley
Carnoy, Martin
Cuba’s Academic Advantage: Why Students in Cuba Do Better in School
University Expansion in a Changing Global Economy: Triumph of the BRICs?
Carochi, Horacio
Grammar of the Mexican Language: With an Explanation of its Adverbs (1645)
Caron, Vicki
Uneasy Asylum: France and the Jewish Refugee Crisis, 1933-1942
Carroll, Peter N.
The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade: Americans in the Spanish Civil War
Carroll, Peter J.
Between Heaven and Modernity: Reconstructing Suzhou, 1895-1937
Carruthers, Bruce G.
Bankrupt: Global Lawmaking and Systemic Financial Crisis
Carter, Steven D.
[Translated by]
Traditional Japanese Poetry: An Anthology
Carter, David
Money Games: Profiting from the Convergence of Sports and Entertainment
Case, Holly
Yugoslavia and Its Historians: Understanding the Balkan Wars of the 1990s
Case, Holly
Between States: The Transylvanian Question and the European Idea during World War II
Cassedy, Steven
Dostoevsky’s Religion
Connected: How Trains, Genes, Pineapples, Piano Keys, and a Few Disasters Transformed Americans at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century
Cassidy, Robert M.
Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terror: Military Culture and Irregular War
Cassuto, Leonard
Rereading Jack London
Castillo, Jasen J.
Endurance and War: The National Sources of Military Cohesion
Castle, Terry
Masquerade and Civilization: The Carnivalesque in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction
Castoriadis, Cornelius
World in Fragments: Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination
On Plato's "Statesman"
Figures of the Thinkable
Cavarero, Adriana
For More than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression
Cavell, Stanley
[Foreword by]
The Scandal of the Speaking Body: Don Juan with J. L. Austin, or Seduction in Two Languages
Cavell, Stanley
Emerson’s Transcendental Etudes
Little Did I Know: Excerpts from Memory
Cazelles, Brigitte
The Unholy Grail: A Social Reading of Chrétien de Troyes’s ‘Conte du Graal’
Celan, Paul
The Meridian: Final Version—Drafts—Materials
Cesa, Marco
Allies yet Rivals: International Politics in 18th Century Europe
Cha, Victor D.
Alignment Despite Antagonism: The United States-Korea-Japan Security Triangle
Chabrán, Rafael
Searching for the Secrets of Nature: The Life and Works of Dr. Francisco Hernández
Chadwick, Henry
[Translated by]
Lessing’s Theological Writings: Selections in Translation
Chalcraft, John
The Invisible Cage: Syrian Migrant Workers in Lebanon
Chan, Jennifer
Another Japan Is Possible: New Social Movements and Global Citizenship Education
Chan, Steve
Looking for Balance: China, the United States, and Power Balancing in East Asia
Chan-Tiberghien, Jennifer
Gender and Human Rights Politics in Japan: Global Norms and Domestic Networks
Chance, Linda H.
Formless in Form: Kenko, Tsurezuregusa and the Rhetoric of Japanese Fragmentary Prose
Chanda, Nayan
The Paradox of a Global USA
Chander, Anupam
Securing Privacy in the Internet Age
Chang, Gordon H.
Morning Glory, Evening Shadow: Yamato Ichihashi and His Internment Writings, 1942-1945
Chang, Kang-i Sun
Writing Women in Late Imperial China
Chang, Kang-i Sun
Women Writers of Traditional China: An Anthology of Poetry and Criticism
Chang, Gordon H.
Asian Americans and Politics: Perspectives, Experiences, Prospects
Chang, Gordon
Caste and Outcast
Chang, Mitchell J.
Compelling Interest: Examining the Evidence on Racial Dynamics in Colleges and Universities
Chang, Gordon H.
Before Internment: Essays in Prewar Japanese American History
Chang, Shenglin
The Global Silicon Valley Home: Lives and Landscapes Within Taiwanese American Trans-Pacific Culture
Chang, Gordon H.
Friends and Enemies: The United States, China, and the Soviet Union, 1948-1972
Chang, Gordon H.
Asian American Art: A History, 1850-1970
Chang, Elizabeth
Britain's Chinese Eye: Literature, Empire, and Aesthetics in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Chang, Paul
Protest Dialectics: State Repression and South Korea's Democracy Movement, 1970-1979
Chanter, Tina
Time, Death, and the Feminine: Levinas with Heidegger
Chapa, Jorge
The Burden of Support: Young Latinos in an Aging Society
Chari, Sharad
Fraternal Capital: Peasant-Workers, Self-Made Men, and Globalization in Provincial India
Charles, Maria
Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of Women and Men
Chartier, Roger
The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe Between the 14th and 18th Centuries
Chase, Michael
[Translated by]
The Present Alone is Our Happiness, Second Edition: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson
Chau, Adam Yuet
Miraculous Response: Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China
Chávez, John R.
Eastside Landmark: A History of the East Los Angeles Community Union, 1968-1993
Chavez, Rebecca Bill
The Rule of Law in Nascent Democracies: Judicial Politics in Argentina
Chavez, Leo
The Latino Threat: Constructing Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation, Second Edition
Cheek, Pamela
Sexual Antipodes: Enlightenment Globalization and the Placing of Sex
Chekhov, Anton
Five Plays
Chemerinsky, Erwin
Enhancing Government: Federalism for the 21st Century
Chen, Yu-shih
Images and Ideas in Chinese Classical Prose: Studies of Four Masters
Chen, Yong
Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943: A Trans-Pacific Community
Chen, Jie
Popular Political Support in Urban China
Chen, Tina
Double Agency: Acts of Impersonation in Asian American Literature and Culture
Chen, Zhongping
Modern China’s Network Revolution: Chambers of Commerce and Sociopolitical Change in the Early Twentieth Century
Cheng, Sinkwan
Law, Justice, and Power: Between Reason and Will
Cheng, Thomas K.
Competition Law and Development
Competition and the State
Chernock, Arianne
Men and the Making of Modern British Feminism
Chernoff, Fred
Explanation and Progress in Security Studies: Bridging Theoretical Divides in International Relations
Chernus, Ira
Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity
Chertok, Léon
A Critique of Psychoanalytic Reason: Hypnosis as a Scientific Problem from Lavoisier to Lacan
Chesnutt, Charles W.
An Exemplary Citizen: Letters of Charles W. Chesnutt, 1906-1932
Chessman, Harriet Scott
The Public Is Invited to Dance: Representation, the Body, and Dialogue in Gertrude Stein
Cheyette, Bryan
Between ‘Race’ and Culture: Representations of ‘the Jew’ in English and American Literature
Chiesa, Lorenzo
[Translated by]
The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government
Chinoy, Sajjid Z.
Reforming India's External, Financial, and Fiscal Policies
Chisholm, Donald
Waiting for Dead Men's Shoes: Origins and Development of the U.S. Navy's Officer Personnel System, 1793-1941
Chiswick, Carmel U.
Judaism in Transition: How Economic Choices Shape Religious Tradition
Choi, Joon Nak
Global Talent: Skilled Labor as Social Capital in Korea
Chong, Alberto
Privatization in Latin America: Myths and Reality
Chong, Alberto
Investor Protection and Corporate Governance: Firm-level Evidence Across Latin America
Choo, Hae Yeon
Decentering Citizenship: Gender, Labor, and Migrant Rights in South Korea
Chow, Kai-wing
The Rise of Confucian Ritualism in Late Imperial China: Ethics, Classics, and Lineage Discourse
Publishing, Culture, and Power in Early Modern China
Chowning, Margaret
Wealth and Power in Provincial Mexico: Michoacán from the Late Colony to the Revolution
Christensen, Jerome
America's Corporate Art: The Studio Authorship of Hollywood Motion Pictures
Christensen, Mark
Nahua and Maya Catholicisms: Texts and Religion in Colonial Central Mexico and Yucatan
Christerson, Brad
Growing Up in America: The Power of Race in the Lives of Teens
Christopher, Warren
In the Stream of History: Shaping Foreign Policy for a New Era
Chu, Hsiao-Yun
New Views on R. Buckminster Fuller
Chung, Angie Y.
Legacies of Struggle: Conflict and Cooperation in Korean American Politics
Ci, Jiwei
Dialectic of the Chinese Revolution: From Utopianism to Hedonism
Cipolloni, Marco
The Anthropology of the Enlightenment
Cixous, Hélène
Insister of Jacques Derrida
Cladis, Mark S.
A Communitarian Defense of Liberalism: Emile Durkheim and Contemporary Social Theory
Clark, J. C. D.
Reflections on the Revolution in France: A Critical Edition
Clark, Jonathan
Our Shadowed Present: Modernism, Postmodernism, and History
Clark-Decès, Isabelle
The Right Spouse: Preferential Marriages in Tamil Nadu
Clarke, Bruce
From Energy to Information: Representation in Science and Technology, Art, and Literature
Clarke, Sally H.
The Challenge of Remaining Innovative: Insights from Twentieth-Century American Business
Cleere, Eileen
Avuncularism: Capitalism, Patriarchy, and Nineteenth-Century English Culture
Clej, Alina
A Genealogy of the Modern Self: Thomas De Quincey and the Intoxication of Writing
Clooney, Francis X.
His Hiding Place Is Darkness: A Hindu-Catholic Theopoetics of Divine Absence
Clough, Lauretta C.
[Translated by]
The State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power
Clunan, Anne
Terrorism, War, or Disease?: Unraveling the Use of Biological Weapons
Ungoverned Spaces: Alternatives to State Authority in an Era of Softened Sovereignty
Clune, Michael W.
Writing Against Time
Coates, Timothy J.
Convicts and Orphans: Forced and State-Sponsored Colonizers in the Portuguese Empire, 1550-1755
Coburn, Noah
Bazaar Politics: Power and Pottery in an Afghan Market Town
Losing Afghanistan: An Obituary for the Intervention
Cogan, John F.
The Budget Puzzle: Understanding Federal Spending
Cogan, John F.
Continuity and Change in House Elections
Cohen, Thomas M.
The Fire of Tongues: António Vieira and the Missionary Church in Brazil and Portugal
Cohen, Myron L.
Kinship, Contract, Community, and State: Anthropological Perspectives on China
Cohen, Jeffrey E.
Public Opinion in State Politics
Cohen, Emily-Jane
[Translated by]
The Blind in French Society from the Middle Ages to the Century of Louis Braille
Cohen, Julia Philips
Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700–1950
Cohn, Willy
No Justice in Germany: The Breslau Diaries, 1933-1941
Colas, Dominique
Civil Society and Fanaticism: Conjoined Histories
Cole, Alyson M.
The Cult of True Victimhood: From the War on Welfare to the War on Terror
Cole, Wade
Uncommon Schools: The Global Rise of Postsecondary Institutions for Indigenous Peoples
Coleman, Susan
A Rising Tide: Financing Strategies for Women-Owned Firms
Coleman, Charly
The Virtues of Abandon: An Anti-Individualist History of the French Enlightenment
Coletta, Damon V.
Courting Science: Securing the Foundation for a Second American Century
Coll, Kathleen
Remaking Citizenship: Latina Immigrants and New American Politics
Collier, Jane Fishburne
Gender and Kinship: Essays Toward a Unified Analysis
Collier, Jane Fishburne
Marriage and Inequality in Classless Societies
Collins, Randall
Macrohistory: Essays in Sociology of the Long Run
Collins, George
[Translated by]
Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus
Collopy, Fred
Managing as Designing
Comay, Rebecca
Mourning Sickness: Hegel and the French Revolution
Combs, Nancy Amoury
Guilty Pleas in International Criminal Law: Constructing a Restorative Justice Approach
Como, David R.
Blown by the Spirit: Puritanism and the Emergence of an Antinomian Underground in Pre-Civil-War England
Conklin, Alice L.
A Mission to Civilize: The Republican Idea of Empire in France and West Africa, 1895-1930
Conklin, William E.
Hegel's Laws: The Legitimacy of a Modern Legal Order
Conley, Tom
[Translated by]
Connell, R. W.
Gender and Power: Society, the Person, and Sexual Politics
Connor, J. D.
The Studios after the Studios: Neoclassical Hollywood (1970-2010)
Conrads, Norbert
No Justice in Germany: The Breslau Diaries, 1933-1941
Constable, Marianne
Our Word Is Our Bond: How Legal Speech Acts
Conti, Joseph
Between Law and Diplomacy: The Social Contexts of Disputing at the World Trade Organization
Cook, Elizabeth Heckendorn
Epistolary Bodies: Gender and Genre in the Eighteenth-Century Republic of Letters
Cook, Eleanor
Against Coercion: Games Poets Play
Cook-Martin, David
The Scramble for Citizens: Dual Nationality and State Competition for Immigrants
Cooper, G. Burns
Mysterious Music: Rhythm and Free Verse
Cooperrider, David L.
Handbook of Transformative Cooperation: New Designs and Dynamics
Cooppan, Vilashini
Worlds Within: National Narratives and Global Connections in Postcolonial Writing
Coox, Alvin D.
Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939
Coppedge, Michael
Strong Parties and Lame Ducks: Presidential Partyarchy and Factionalism in Venezuela
Cordesman, Anthony H.
Arab-Israeli Military Forces in an Era of Asymmetric Wars
Corley, Pamela C.
The Puzzle of Unanimity: Consensus on the United States Supreme Court
Corngold, Stanley
Complex Pleasure: Forms of Feeling in German Literature
Cornyetz, Nina
Dangerous Women, Deadly Words: Phallic Fantasy and Modernity in Three Japanese Writers
Corrigall-Brown, Catherine
Patterns of Protest: Trajectories of Participation in Social Movements
Coser, Rose Laub
In Defense of Modernity: Role Complexity and Individual Autonomy
Cosgrove, Richard A.
The Great Tradition: Constitutional History and National Identity in Britain and the United States, 1870-1960
Cossman, Brenda
Sexual Citizens: The Legal and Cultural Regulation of Sex and Belonging
Costa Vargas, João H.
State of White Supremacy: Racism, Governance, and the United States
Costa-Lima, Luiz
The Limits of Voice: Montaigne, Schlegel, Kafka
Costas, Jana
Secrecy at Work: The Hidden Architecture of Organizational Life
Costlow, Jane T.
Sexuality and the Body in Russian Culture
Cottle, Richard W.
Education in a Research University
Cottle, Richard
The Basic George B. Dantzig
Couch, Kenneth A.
Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and Declines in Health
Court, Franklin E.
Institutionalizing English Literature: The Culture and Politics of Literary Study, 1750-1900
Cousteau, Jean-Michel
[Foreword by]
The Fishes of the Galápagos Islands
Cowan, I. R.
Stomatal Function
Cox, Jeffrey
Imperial Fault Lines: Christianity and Colonial Power in India, 1818-1940
Coyne, Christopher J.
After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy
Doing Bad by Doing Good: Why Humanitarian Action Fails
Crain, Patricia
The Story of A: The Alphabetization of America from
The New England Primer
The Scarlet Letter
Cramer, Renée Ann
Pregnant with the Stars: Watching and Wanting the Celebrity Baby Bump
Crane, Susan A.
Museums and Memory
Cranston, Edwin A.
[Translated by]
A Waka Anthology
Cranston, Edwin A.
[Translated by]
A Waka Anthology, Volume Two: Grasses of Remembrance
Cranston, Alan
The Sovereignty Revolution
Cranston, Kim
The Sovereignty Revolution
Crisler, Jesse S.
Charles W. Chesnutt: Essays and Speeches
An Exemplary Citizen: Letters of Charles W. Chesnutt, 1906-1932
Crisp, Brian F.
Democratic Institutional Design: The Powers and Incentives of Venezuelan Politicians and Interest Groups
Crittenden, Robert
Like People You See in a Dream: First Contact in Six Papuan Societies
Croat, Thomas B.
Flora of Barro Colorado Island
Cropanzano, Russell S.
Advances in Organizational Justice
Crosnoe, Robert
Mexican Roots, American Schools: How Children from Mexican Immigrant Families Make the Transition into the American Educational System
Cross, John C.
Informal Politics: Street Vendors and the State in Mexico City
Cross, Kathleen
[Translated by]
The Reality of the Mass Media
Cross, Frank B.
Decision Making in the U.S. Courts of Appeals
The Theory and Practice of Statutory Interpretation
Cross, Frank
The Failed Promise of Originalism
Crowe, Ian
Patriotism and Public Spirit: Edmund Burke and the Role of the Critic in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Britain
Crowell, Steven
Transcendental Heidegger
Crowley, David
Communication Theory Today
Crowther, Paul
Phenomenology of the Visual Arts (even the frame)
How Pictures Complete Us: The Beautiful, the Sublime, and the Divine
Cuban, Larry
Reconstructing the Common Good in Education: Coping with Intractable American Dilemmas
Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino
Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American Security Agencies
Culbert, Jennifer L.
Dead Certainty: The Death Penalty and the Problem of Judgment
Culbert, Samuel A.
Beyond Bullsh*t: Straight-Talk at Work
Cullather, Nick
Illusions of Influence: The Political Economy of United States-Philippines Relations, 1942-1960
Secret History, Second Edition: The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954
Culler, Jonathan
Just Being Difficult?: Academic Writing in the Public Arena
The Literary in Theory
Cummings, Katherine
Telling Tales: The Hysteric’s Seduction in Fiction and Theory
Cummins, Eric
The Rise and Fall of California’s Radical Prison Movement
Curtis, David Ames
[Translated by]
World in Fragments: Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination
Curtis, David Ames
On Plato's "Statesman"
Cutler, Robert W. P.
The Mysterious Death of Jane Stanford