Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators
Kadir, Djelal
Memos from the Besieged City: Lifelines for Cultural Sustainability
Kagan, Robert A.
Shades of Green: Business, Regulation, and Environment
Kaganov, Grigory
Images of Space: St. Petersburg in the Visual and Verbal Arts
Kahler, Miles
Integrating Regions: Asia in Comparative Context
Kailbourn, Thomas R.
Pioneer Photographers of the Far West: A Biographical Dictionary, 1840-1865
Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide: A Biographical Dictionary, 1839-1865
Kaiser, Thomas E.
From Deficit to Deluge: The Origins of the French Revolution
Kaiser, Matthew
The World in Play: Portraits of a Victorian Concept
Kaldor, Mary
New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, Third Edition
Kale, Sunila S.
Electrifying India: Regional Political Economies of Development
Kalicki, Jan H.
Russian-Eurasian Renaissance?: U.S. Trade and Investment in Russia and Eurasia
Kallender-Umezu, Paul
In Defense of Japan: From the Market to the Military in Space Policy
Kaltenmark, Max
Lao Tzu and Taoism
Kamholz, Edward J.
The Oregon-American Lumber Company: Ain’t No More
Kamholz, Greg
The Oregon-American Lumber Company: Ain’t No More
Kamieniecki, Sheldon
Corporate America and Environmental Policy: How Often Does Business Get Its Way?
Kamuf, Peggy
[Translated by]
The Muses
Psychoanalyzing: On the Order of the Unconscious and the Practice of the Letter
Resistances of Psychoanalysis
Without Alibi
Kamuf, Peggy
Book of Addresses
Kamuf, Peggy
Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume I
Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume II
Kamuf, Peggy
[Translated by]
Insister of Jacques Derrida
Kanaaneh, Rhoda Ann
Surrounded: Palestinian Soldiers in the Israeli Military
Kanbur, Ravi
Poverty and Inequality
Kantor, Harvey
Work, Youth, and Schooling: Historical Perspectives on Vocationalism in American Education
Kaplan, Fred
The Wizards of Armageddon
Kaplan, Herbert H.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the Creation of a Dynasty: The Critical Years 1806-1816
Kaplan, Sam
The Pedagogical State: Education and the Politics of National Culture in Post-1980 Turkey
Kaplan, Debra
Beyond Expulsion: Jews, Christians, and Reformation Strasbourg
Kapur, S. Paul
Dangerous Deterrent: Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Conflict in South Asia
Karlsgodt, Elizabeth
Defending National Treasures: French Art and Heritage Under Vichy
Karlstrom, Paul
Asian American Art: A History, 1850-1970
Karman, James
Stones of the Sur: Poetry by Robinson Jeffers, Photographs by Morley Baer
The Collected Letters of Robinson Jeffers, with Selected Letters of Una Jeffers: Volume One, 1890-1930
The Collected Letters of Robinson Jeffers, with Selected Letters of Una Jeffers: Volume Two, 1931–1939
The Collected Letters of Robinson Jeffers, with Selected Letters of Una Jeffers: Volume Three, 1940-1962
Karman, James
Robinson Jeffers: Poet and Prophet
Karn, Alexander
Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation
Kartchner, Kerry M.
On Limited Nuclear War in the 21st Century
Kaserman, David L.
The Global Organ Shortage: Economic Causes, Human Consequences, Policy Responses
Kassimir, Ronald
Youth, Globalization, and the Law
Kastner, Scott L.
Political Conflict and Economic Interdependence Across the Taiwan Strait and Beyond
Katchadourian, Herant
Guilt: The Bite of Conscience
Katz, Friedrich
The Life and Times of Pancho Villa
Katzenstein, Peter J.
Rethinking Security in East Asia: Identity, Power, and Efficiency
Katzew, Ilona
Race and Classification: The Case of Mexican America
Kaufman, Joyce P.
The Future of Transatlantic Relations: Perceptions, Policy and Practice
Providing for National Security: A Comparative Analysis
Kaul, Suvir
Thomas Gray and Literary Authority: A Study in Ideology and Politics
Kavanagh, Thomas M.
The Limits of Theory
Kawash, Samira
Dislocating the Color Line: Identity, Hybridity, and Singularity in African-American Narrative
Kawato, Yuko
Protests Against U.S. Military Base Policy in Asia: Persuasion and Its Limits
Kay, Lily E.
Who Wrote the Book of Life?: A History of the Genetic Code
Kay, Sarah
Courtly Contradictions: The Emergence of the Literary Object in the Twelfth Century
Keating, Pauline B.
Two Revolutions: Village Reconstruction and the Cooperative Movement in Northern Shaanxi, 1934-1945
Keenan, Alan
Democracy in Question: Democratic Openness in a Time of Political Closure
Keene, Donald
The Japanese Discovery of Europe, 1720-1830: Revised Edition
Keesing, Roger M.
Melanesian Pidgin and the Oceanic Substrate
Kelle, Alexander
Preventing a Biochemical Arms Race
Kelleher, Catherine M.
Getting to Zero: The Path to Nuclear Disarmament
Kelleher, Catherine McArdle
Regional Missile Defense from a Global Perspective
Kellerman, Barbara
Hard Times: Leadership in America
Kellner, Hans
Re-Figuring Hayden White
Kelly, David
Chinese Marxism in the Post-Mao Era
Kelly, Phil
Classical Geopolitics: A New Analytical Model
Kelsey, Sean
Inventing a Republic: The Political Culture of the English Commonwealth, 1649-1653
Kemeny, Thomas
The Rise and Fall of Urban Economies: Lessons from San Francisco and Los Angeles
Kemerer, Frank
California School Law: Third Edition
Kemmer, Suzanne
On Language: Selected Writings of Joseph H. Greenberg
Kemp, Jana M.
Moving Out of the Box: Tools for Team Decision Making
Kemple, Thomas M.
Reading Marx Writing: Melodrama, the Market, and the ‘Grundrisse’
Kendall, Stuart
[Translated by]
Lautréamont and Sade
Kendall, Michelle
[Translated by]
Lautréamont and Sade
Kennedy, Scott
Beyond the Middle Kingdom: Comparative Perspectives on China’s Capitalist Transformation
Kennedy, Michael D.
Globalizing Knowledge: Intellectuals, Universities, and Publics in Transformation
Kenney, Martin
Understanding Silicon Valley: The Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial Region
Locating Global Advantage: Industry Dynamics in the International Economy
Public Universities and Regional Growth: Insights from the University of California
Kent, Ann
Beyond Compliance: China, International Organizations, and Global Security
Kepel, Gilles
Allah in the West: Islamic Movements in America and Europe
Kernaghan, Richard
Coca's Gone: Of Might and Right in the Huallaga Post-Boom
Kernell, Samuel
James Madison: The Theory and Practice of Republican Government
Kett, Joseph F.
The Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties: From Self-Improvement to Adult Education in America, 1750-1990
Kezar, Adrianna
Enhancing Campus Capacity for Leadership: An Examination of Grassroots Leaders in Higher Education
Khalili, Laleh
Time in the Shadows: Confinement in Counterinsurgencies
Khalip, Jacques
Anonymous Life: Romanticism and Dispossession
Khalip, Jacques
Releasing the Image: From Literature to New Media
Khan, Feroz
Eating Grass: The Making of the Pakistani Bomb
Khanna, Ranjana
Algeria Cuts: Women and Representation, 1830 to the Present
Khazzoom, Aziza
Shifting Ethnic Boundaries and Inequality in Israel: Or, How the Polish Peddler Became a German Intellectual
Kholoussy, Hanan
For Better, For Worse: The Marriage Crisis That Made Modern Egypt
Kikumura-Yano, Akemi
New Worlds, New Lives: Globalization and People of Japanese Descent in the Americas and from Latin America in Japan
Killian, Caitlin
North African Women in France: Gender, Culture, and Identity
Kim, Hodong
Holy War in China: The Muslim Rebellion and State in Chinese Central Asia, 1864-1877
Kim, Daniel
Writing Manhood in Black and Yellow: Ralph Ellison, Frank Chin, and the Literary Politics of Identity
Kim, Nadia Y.
Imperial Citizens: Koreans and Race from Seoul to LA
Kim, Janice C.H.
To Live to Work: Factory Women in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945
Kim, Jaesok
Chinese Labor in a Korean Factory: Class, Ethnicity, and Productivity on the Shop Floor in Globalizing China
Kim, Sun Joo
Voice from the North: Resurrecting Regional Identity Through the Life and Work of Yi Sihang (1672–1736)
Kim, Tongfi
The Supply Side of Security: A Market Theory of Military Alliances
Kim, Jaeeun
Contested Embrace: Transborder Membership Politics in Twentieth-Century Korea
Kimmage, Michael
In History's Grip: Philip Roth's Newark Trilogy
Kimura, Hiroshi
The Kurillian Knot: A History of Japanese-Russian Border Negotiations
King, Linda
Roots of Identity: Language and Literacy in Mexico
King, Michelle T.
Between Birth and Death: Female Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century China
Kingery, Sandra
[Translated by]
The Future and Its Enemies: In Defense of Political Hope
Kingston, Paul W.
The Classless Society
Kinkley, Jeffrey C.
[Translated by]
Traveller Without a Map
Kinkley, Jeffrey C.
Chinese Justice, the Fiction: Law and Literature in Modern China
Kinkley, Jeffrey
Corruption and Realism in Late Socialist China: The Return of the Political Novel
Kinney, Anne Behnke
Representations of Childhood and Youth in Early China
Kinsey, Christopher
Contractors and War: The Transformation of United States’ Expeditionary Operations
Kippenberg, Hans G.
Violence as Worship: Religious Wars in the Age of Globalization
Kirby, William C.
Realms of Freedom in Modern China
Kirkby, Sarah L.
[Translated by]
The Impertinent Self: A Heroic History of Modernity
Kirsch, Stuart
Reverse Anthropology: Indigenous Analysis of Social and Environmental Relations in New Guinea
Kirst, Michael W.
Remaking College: The Changing Ecology of Higher Education
Kishik, David
[Translated by]
"What Is an Apparatus?" and Other Essays
Kishik, David
The Power of Life: Agamben and the Coming Politics
The Manhattan Project: A Theory of a City
Kittler, Friedrich
Discourse Networks, 1800/1900
Kittler, Friedrich A.
Gramophone, Film, Typewriter
The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on the Genealogy of Presence
Kivelson, Valerie A.
Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century
Klein, Herbert S.
Haciendas and Ayllus: Rural Society in the Bolivian Andes in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Klein, Lawrence
The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry
Klein, Ursula
Experiments, Models, Paper Tools: Cultures of Organic Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century
Klein, Herbert S.
Slavery and the Economy of São Paulo, 1750-1850
Klein, Janet
The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone
Kleinberg-Levin, David Michael
Gestures of Ethical Life: Reading Hölderlin's Question of Measure After Heidegger
Kleiner, John
Mismapping the Underworld: Daring and Error in Dante's ‘Comedy’
Kleinman, Arthur
SARS in China: Prelude to Pandemic?
Kline, Stephen Jay
Conceptual Foundations for Multidisciplinary Thinking
Knights, L. C.
Some Shakespearean Themes and An Approach to ‘Hamlet’
Knoblock, John
Xunzi: A Translation and Study of the Complete Works: —Vol. I, Books 1-6
Knoblock, John
[Translated by]
The Annals of Lü Buwei
Knodt, Eva M.
[Translated by]
Art as a Social System
Knopf, Jeffrey W.
Security Assurances and Nuclear Nonproliferation
Knox, John H.
Greening NAFTA: The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Knudsen, Thorbjorn
The Entrepreneur: Classic Texts by Joseph A. Schumpeter
Ko, Dorothy
Teachers of the Inner Chambers: Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China
Kobayashi, Hideo
Literature of the Lost Home: Kobayashi Hideo—Literary Criticism, 1924-1939
Koch, Peter Rutledge
Book Art Object 2
Koeneke, Rodney
Empires of the Mind: I. A. Richards and Basic English in China, 1929-1979
Kofman, Sarah
Nietzsche and Metaphor
Selected Writings
Kogan, Irena
Making the Transition: Education and Labor Market Entry in Central and Eastern Europe
Kogan, Vladimir
Paradise Plundered: Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego
Köhler, Martin
Re-Imagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy
Kolve, V. A.
Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative: The First Five Canterbury Tales
Kolve, V. A.
Telling Images: Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative II
Komisaruk, Catherine
Labor and Love in Guatemala: The Eve of Independence
Kong, Shuyu
Consuming Literature: Best Sellers and the Commercialization of Literary Production in Contemporary China
Konig, David Thomas
Devising Liberty: Preserving and Creating Freedom in the New American Republic
Konings, Martijn
The Emotional Logic of Capitalism: What Progressives Have Missed
Konuk, Kader
East West Mimesis: Auerbach in Turkey
Kopelman, Shirli
Negotiating Genuinely: Being Yourself in Business
Kopelson, Kevin
Love's Litany: The Writing of Modern Homoerotics
Beethoven’s Kiss: Pianism, Perversion, and the Mastery of Desire
The Queer Afterlife of Vaslav Nijinsky
Korb, Lawrence J.
Military Reform
Korteweg, Anna C.
The Headscarf Debates: Conflicts of National Belonging
Koselleck, Reinhart
The Practice of Conceptual History: Timing History, Spacing Concepts
Koshy, Susan
Sexual Naturalization: Asian Americans and Miscegenation
Kosky, Jeffrey L.
[Translated by]
Being Given: Toward a Phenomenology of Givenness
In the Self's Place: The Approach of Saint Augustine
Kotsko, Adam
[Translated by]
The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath
Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty
Pilate and Jesus
The Use of Bodies
Kottman, Paul A.
[Translated by]
For More than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression
Kottman, Paul A.
A Politics of the Scene
Kottman, Paul A.
Philosophers on Shakespeare
Kourí, Emilio
A Pueblo Divided: Business, Property, and Community in Papantla, Mexico
Kovacs, Maureen Gallery
[Translated by]
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Kovner, Sarah
Occupying Power: Sex Workers and Servicemen in Postwar Japan
Kraay, Hendrik
Race, State, and Armed Forces in Independence-Era Brazil: Bahia, 1790s-1840s
Days of National Festivity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1823–1889
Kramnick, Jonathan
Actions and Objects from Hobbes to Richardson
Krasny, Michael
Off Mike: A Memoir of Talk Radio and Literary Life
Krauss, Ellis S.
Beyond Bilateralism: U.S.-Japan Relations in the New Asia-Pacific
Kreitner, Roy
Calculating Promises: The Emergence of Modern American Contract Doctrine
Krepon, Michael
Better Safe Than Sorry: The Ironies of Living with the Bomb
Kricheli-Katz, Tamar
The New Gilded Age: The Critical Inequality Debates of Our Time
Krieger, Murray
The Aims of Representation: Subject/Text/History
Kristeller, Paul Oskar
Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance
Kritzer, Herbert M.
In Litigation: Do the “Haves” Still Come Out Ahead?
Kritzer, Herbert M.
Risks, Reputations, and Rewards: Contingency Fee Legal Practice in the United States
Krondorfer, Björn
Male Confessions: Intimate Revelations and the Religious Imagination
Kronenberg, Kenneth
[Translated by]
No Justice in Germany: The Breslau Diaries, 1933-1941
Kronfeld, Chana
The Full Severity of Compassion: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai
Kropf, David Glenn
Authorship as Alchemy: Subversive Writing in Pushkin, Scott, and Hoffmann
Krstić, Tijana
Contested Conversions to Islam: Narratives of Religious Change in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
Krueger, Anne O.
Reforming India's External, Financial, and Fiscal Policies
Krutikov, Mikhail
Yiddish Fiction and the Crisis of Modernity, 1905-1914
From Kabbalah to Class Struggle: Expressionism, Marxism, and Yiddish Literature in the Life and Work of Meir Wiener
Krygier, Martin
Philip Selznick: Ideals in the World
Kubrin, Charis E.
Introduction to Criminal Justice: A Sociological Perspective
Kugler, Anne
Errant Plagiary: The Life and Writing of Lady Sarah Cowper, 1644-1720
Kuhn, Philip A.
Origins of the Modern Chinese State
Kuhner, Timothy K.
Capitalism v. Democracy: Money in Politics and the Free Market Constitution
Kuhonta, Erik Martinez
Southeast Asia in Political Science : Theory, Region, and Qualitative Analysis
Kuhonta, Erik
The Institutional Imperative: The Politics of Equitable Development in Southeast Asia
Kumar, Aishwary
Radical Equality: Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the Risk of Democracy
Kunreuther, Howard
Leadership Dispatches: Chile's Extraordinary Comeback from Disaster
Kuntsman, Adi
Digital Militarism: Israel's Occupation in the Social Media Age
Kurz, Karin
Home Ownership and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective
Kuzniar, Alice A.
Outing Goethe & His Age
Kuzniar, Alice A.
The Queer German Cinema
Kwall, Roberta Rosenthal
The Soul of Creativity: Forging a Moral Rights Law for the United States
Kyle, Douglas E.
Historic Spots in California: Fifth Edition
Kyle, Chris
Theater of State: Parliament and Political Culture in Early Stuart England
Kyriakides, Christopher
Race Defaced: Paradigms of Pessimism, Politics of Possibility