
The Flex Classrooms

FlexClass 180 and FlexClass 190 were designed to build on the successful model created in the Meyer 220 FlexClass. The Meyer FlexClass hosted courses from a variety of disciplines including The Graphic NovelIntroduction to GIS in Anthropology, and Introduction to Statistics for Health Sciences

Located on the first floor of Lathrop, these two new FlexClasses are intended to support courses that utilize collaborative pedagogies and digital technology. Each FlexClass features mobile furnishings, dual interactive whiteboards for whole-class sharing, and large high-definition displays for small-group work as well as a complete suite of software on resident computers and extensive whiteboard space.

Instructors interested in teaching in one of the FlexClasses are encourged to review the informaton linked below before applying. 

FlexClass 180

FlexClass 190

FlexClass Application

Map segment showing location of Lathrop Library

Lathrop Library, First Floor
518 Memorial Way
Stanford, CA 94305-3101 94305-5015


Digital Language Lab Classrooms

For information about the Digital Language Lab Classrooms in the South Wing of Lathrop, see the Digital Language Lab Facilities page. Note that DLL classrooms are designated for the exclusive use of Language Center courses.

Other Classrooms in Lathrop

Classrooms on the second floor of Lathrop are managed by the Registrar. See classroom support for their enhanced classrooms.