Stanford University Celebrates
National Compliance and Ethics Week

November 2-6, 2015

Laws control the lesser man, Right conduct controls the greater one.
(Proverb - Author unknown)
Ethics is knowing the Difference between ‘What you have a right to do’ and ‘What is Right to do’.
(Potter Stewart)


We’ve all heard quotes of this kind.  But, how true are they?  How do they apply to us?

Within higher education, the public is increasingly asking for greater accountability and transparency about how we meet our mission of educating students, conducting research and providing service.  Whether it is the integrity and objectivity of research, our focus on teaching and learning, how we use public and donor funds, or the quality of patient care, universities are held to the highest standards of integrity and fairness.

This year, Stanford University is joining hundreds of other organizations in celebrating National Compliance and Ethics Week. Each day from November 2 through 6 we will highlight a value that is critically important to our work at Stanford – Integrity, Fairness, Excellence, Honesty and Respect.  

Please join all members of the Stanford community in reflecting on these values during the National Compliance and Ethics Week 2015.  It is a chance for all of us to take some time to review our practices and to determine how we can incorporate these values within our roles and responsibilities at Stanford.


Last modified Tue, 17 Nov, 2015 at 15:04