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12.3.3 Global Payroll

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Stanford or its affiliated entities will establish payroll procedures in each country that are in compliance with law and appropriate for University or affiliated staff. Country-by-country procedures will be maintained with University Payroll or the affiliated entity.

12.3.2 Global Definitions

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This policy applies to Stanford University employees at least 50% time with an appointment of at least 6 months, whose primary work location is outside of the US. The employee may be paid by a Stanford out-of-country organization or affiliate (in-country hire), or in rare cases may be paid in the U.S. (U.S. hire working abroad). Benefit eligibility may be determined by each country’s law.

12.2.12 Global Staff Development Program

12.2.20 Relocation of Global Faculty and Staff

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The University may provide relocation assistance for newly hired or transferred staff when it is appropriate based on programmatic need and budgetary constraints of the University or its affiliated operation. Any such expense reimbursement should be documented in the offer or assignment letter. Relocation expenses may be covered with an allowance or by requiring documented receipts of expenditure. In all cases, the University and its affiliated entities will follow each country’s tax rules regarding taxability of relocation payments.

12.2.19 Administrative Review Policy

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.2.18 Global Military Leave

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Each country has its own requirements for maintaining employment during a period of military leave. Stanford and its affiliates will be in compliance with law in the country of work. Please contact the unit HR Manager and/or Global HR Programs if military leave is requested outside of the US.

12.2.17 Layoffs

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.2.16 Addressing Conduct and Performance Issues

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.2.15 Global Trial/Probation Periods

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The trial period is an initial period of service during which the manager or supervisor assesses the performance of a newly hired employee to determine if the employee meets the requirements and expectation of the position. To the extent permitted by each country’s law, each employee will serve a probationary trial period of no longer than 12 months. Supervisors should consult with their unit HR Manager and/or Global HR Programs regarding termination of an employee during or at the end of the trial period.

12.2.14 Senior Staff

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Does not apply to global employees.


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