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The Loop—Archives

The Loop is a monthly publication from the Stanford Alumni Association and STANFORD magazine. The Loop is sent to alumni and friends of the University for whom we have an email address. Look for this month's issue in your inbox. Sorry, we are no longer archiving Loop issues.


June: Saving the Streak; Opening the 'Markaz'; Celebrating Jasper Ridge

May: Changing history; Clarifying the brain; Clearing hurdles

April: Record-low admittance rate; Tracking killer asteroids; Sisters and All-Americans

March: The challenge of lipreading; Privacy concerns; Bloomberg at Commencement

February: Boy Scout perspective; Cheating across time; Football's new recruits

January: Concert hall opens; Solving youth heart attacks; Water polo's best


December: School integration erodes; babies read faces; Rose Bowl games remembered

November: The humanities fight back; memories play tricks; Big Game in the bag

October: Profs win Nobels; recent grad campaigns to save city; Reunion Homecoming 2012

September: Lost sounds found; Stanford for all; The vast power of wind

August: Stanford Olympians; The California accent; 120 mph, no driver

July: Cardinal Olympians in London; New deans; Stress for health

June: Class of '12 goes forth; Richard Lyman dies; Algae blooms beneath the Arctic

May: Campaign for medicine; Frost comes to life; 50 years of video games

April: Class of '16 admitted; Health care debate; Turning cancer on itself

March: Changing the world via Hollywood; opportunity after disaster; tackling cancer

February: Stanford Challenge, Undergrad Education, 'Nanoshell' Power

January: No Campus in NYC; Start-up Tracks State Spending; North Korea in Transition


December: Hennessy honored; Rhodes record; nanoscale LEDs

November: Gaieties centennial; poverty institute; Chromebook champion

October: Stanford@CCNY; Nobel winner; computerized pain detection

September: Apple's archives; Neanderthal genes; VanDerveer called to the Hall

August: The debt deal; JediBot; anatomy of a golf swing

July: Landmark art collection; athletes and sleep; camera of the future

June: What Einstein knew; alumni interviewing; water polo champs

May: Hoover fellow on bin Laden; redefining diabetes; 100th NCAA title

April: Proposed NYC campus; colorful statues; women's Final Four

March:; Oscars and Grammys; Pac-10 champs

February: Thoughts on Egypt; lottery secrets; women's swimming

January: New football coach; digital dilemma; the big picture of English lit


December: Orange Bowl; 'do not track'; a fish story

November: Jim Plunkett; Roundtable on aging; love, analgesic style

October: Frosh matchmatching; marijuana debate; 'genius grant'

September: The Claw fountain; SLAC's X-ray laser; a football story

August: Sapolsky's shot at stress; Stephen Schneider; the astrophysicist who won a marathon

July: A revitalizing streetcar; a rollergirl; and a rapping intern

June: New concert hall; beauty bias; tennis titles

May: The medical crystal ball; Bravman to Bucknell; Glee, iPhone-style

April: Classics rock; app privacy; women's basketball

March: The Cardinal-clad avatar; a pioneering sex scholar; Toyota talk

February: Commencement speaker; helping in Port-au-Prince; a robotic flower girl

January: Paper batteries; the biology of autism; a Bigfoot hunt

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