Wellness Profile

Program details and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Benefits-eligible university employees who complete the SHALA and Wellness Profile each year between January 2 and November 30 are eligible to receive a wellness incentive ranging from $200 to $480.

Employees on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan sharing their data are eligible for $480 annually for completing all 4 Parts of their Wellness Profile. Employees not on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan or not sharing data are still eligible for $200 annually for completion of parts 1-3 of their Wellness Profile.

Spouses/registered domestic partners of participating benefits-eligible university employees are eligible for a $240 wellness incentive for completion of Parts 1-3 of the Wellness Profile. For spouses to be eligible for this incentive, employees and their spouses/registered domestic partners must be on a Stanford-sponsored plan and have agreed to share data. Furthermore, the employee must complete all 4 Parts of the Wellness Profile in order for the spouse/partner to qualify for his or her $240 incentive.

To review your and your spouse/partner’s incentive eligibility, please visit our Incentive Calculator

The Wellness Profile is comprised of the following four parts:

Part 1 - Screening: Regular health screenings can increase your awareness of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. BeWell's trained staff provides free one-on-one health screenings (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, glucose, body mass index, height and weight, waist circumference and blood pressure) at five locations around campus. See map. You can also have your screenings done at your doctor’s office (with a co-pay). If you choose to submit screening results from your doctor's office, you have two options. You may bring a copy of your labwork with you to your advising appointment or you may submit your labwork directly to BeWell via a secure fax line. Special deadlines apply: see Important Program deadlines.

Part 2 - Advising: Meeting with a wellness advisor can help you create short-term goals and find available resources on campus. BeWell provides a free one-on-one advising session scheduled immediately after your screening appointment. If you elect to have your health screening information submitted from your doctor’s office, you may schedule your phone appointment online after BeWell has received and recorded your results.

October 31 is the Screening & Advising deadline for those participants intending to complete all 4 Parts of the Wellness Profile and earn the maximum incentive of $480 — which would also qualify the employee’s spouse/registered domestic partner to earn the $240 incentive (for completing Parts 1-3).

Part 3 - Plan: Having a wellness plan helps keep you on track. BeWell provides you with a personalized, online planning tool to identify your wellness goals and outline strategies for achieving them. Complete the plan online by yourself for a partial financial incentive or choose to keep going with the help of a wellness coach for a full financial incentive.

Part 4 - Engagement: Having professional support can make a measurable difference in your health outcomes. Engage with a wellness coach who will actively support you and help you find an activity that matches your wellness goals. Then, take action on your goals and finish by writing a brief reflection. (Note: spouses are not eligible for Engagement.)

For a free calculation of your maximum incentives and program deadlines, please visit our Incentive Calculator.

Employees on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan and sharing data:
If you are a returning participant who completes the SHALA, completes Parts 1 and 2 (Screening & Advising) of the Wellness Profile by October 31, and finishes all 4 Parts of the Wellness Profile by November 30, chose to share your information and enrolled in a Stanford-sponsored medical plan in 2016 you will receive a $480 (taxable) wellness incentive as a lump-sum payment in your early 2017 paycheck.

Completion of all 4 Parts of the Wellness Profile, per the deadlines, also qualifies your spouse/registered domestic partner to receive a $240 incentive if he/she completes Parts 1-3 by November 30, 2016.

Employees not on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan OR not sharing data:
If you are a returning participant who completes the SHALA, completes Parts 1 through 3 of the Wellness Profile by November 30, you will receive a $200 (taxable) wellness incentive as a lump-sum payment two pay periods after you complete Part 3 of your Wellness Profile. You may choose to participate in Part 4 of the Wellness Profile (Engagement), but it is not required for your maximum incentive.

Spouses/partners of employees not on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan or not sharing data may still participate in the Wellness Profile, but are not eligible for financial incentives.

New Stanford employees:
If you are new to BeWell, or were not able to complete the SHALA and Wellness Profile in 2015, you are eligible to receive an additional $200 for completing the SHALA and Parts 1-3 of the Wellness Profile by November 30, 2016. Once completed, you will receive your $200 taxable incentive in a regular paycheck listed under Earnings as “Wellness” within 2 pay periods.

Spouses/partners on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan and sharing data:
If you complete Part 1-3 of the Wellness profile by November 30, your employee/spouse/partner will increase their $480 (taxable) wellness incentive to $720 as a lump-sum payment in early 2017. Important note: The Stanford employee must complete parts 1 through 4 of their Wellness Profile in order for spouses/partners to be eligible for their incentive. This means the employee must meet the October 31 Screening & Advising deadline and the November 30 end of program deadline.

For further explanation of the deadlines, see Important Program Deadlines and the following FAQs.

Wellness Profile FAQs

What is the Wellness Profile?

  1. Screening (conducted by BeWell or by your physician)
  2. Advising (available in-person immediately following your BeWell screening or by phone appointment)
  3. Plan (completed by you through your BeWell account)
  4. Engagement (done with the support of your wellness coach)

What is the Screening?

Screening, provided for free at several convenient BeWell locations (map), consists of the following measurements assessing risk for heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome:
  •    Total Cholesterol (TC)*

  •    High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)*

  •    Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)*

  •    Triglycerides (TG)*
  •    Glucose*

  •    Blood Pressure
  •    Body Mass Index (Height and Weight)
  •    Waist Circumference

* These are FASTING, finger-stick tests. Fasting means no food (including gum or candy) or drink should be consumed within ten to twelve hours of your appointment. Water and prescription medications are acceptable and encouraged. Pregnant women and participants with certain health conditions are not required to fast.

Screening information can also be acquired through your personal physician if you have had blood work done after November 1, 2015.

I am pregnant; do I still need to fast?
No. Our participants who are pregnant may not find it comfortable or feasible to fast for 10-12 hours. We are happy to make an exception to the fasting rule in this case. Please still plan to come in for a finger-stick so we can obtain all of the necessary information. Your health screener will ask you about pregnancy status at the start of the appointment.

I am a diabetic on a regular course of insulin; do I still need to fast?

No. Participants who have diabetes and are on insulin may not find it feasible to fast for 10-12 hours. We are happy to make an exception to the fasting rule in this case. Please still plan to come in for a finger-stick so we can obtain all of the necessary information. Your health screener will ask you about medication status at the start of the appointment.

I have another health concern that makes it difficult for me to fast. Are there other options?
We understand. Please contact our BeWell office directly to talk about your specific situation.

How do I complete my Screening with BeWell?

Screenings are offered Monday through Friday from January through November. You can register for your Screening appointment by logging into the program here. Once you have logged in, click the Screening button under the Wellness Profile heading and you will be able to register for a date and time that fits your schedule. Testing takes place daily between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at various locations on and off campus.

Where are the appointments held?
Screening and Advising appointments are available in 5 locations: Ford-Burnham Pavilion, 1070 Arastradero, 3160 Porter Drive, Li Ka Shing and the SLAC Recreation Facility. Map.

How many times can I participate in the Screening?

You are eligible for one Screening per calendar year. If you are interested in a second screening in the same calendar year, please contact BeWell.

Do I need to wait a full 12 months between each screening?
No. You may schedule your screening at any time during the calendar year. We encourage participants to come in earlier in the year to make the most of the BeWell Program. Additionally, appointments fill up quickly in the fall and become more difficult to schedule.

Can I choose to visit my doctor for completing Part 1 - Screening?
Yes. Log into the program website and click the Screening link under the Wellness Profile. You will select “Option 2: Screening by Physician,” confirm, and download our Screening Form with fax submission instructions. Once we process your fax, you will receive an email confirmation and can schedule your phone Advising appointment through our online portal. Please note that the last day to fax in your Screening by Physician Form is October 31, as we fill up on phone advising appointments quickly in November.

What is Advising?

The 5-30 minute Advising session is an opportunity for you to discuss your screening results and any areas of interest related to your health and wellness. Your advisors hold advanced degrees in fields like Exercise Science, Nutrition, Counseling, and Public Health. This session can be used for setting goals, gathering information, learning about resources and/or getting support in maintaining existing healthy habits.

Can I schedule a Screening and Advising session at the same time?
Yes. If you choose to receive your screening through BeWell, your appointment time will include both screening and advising sessions.

How do I do the Advising appointment if I have my screening results sent from my doctor?
Once the BeWell office receives your screening results, we will update your account and you will receive an email letting you know when you can log into your account and schedule an Advising-only appointment. Your Advising session can be done in person or by phone at a date and time that is convenient for you.

Instead of faxing in my screening results from my doctor's office, can I bring them with me to my appointment?
Yes, if your screening was done after November 1, 2015 and includes all the necessary screening measurements, you may schedule a combined Screening and Advising appointment and bring a copy of your screening results with you to the appointment.

What if I need to cancel my Screening or Advising session?
Cancellations must be done online at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled session. If it is at least 48 hours prior, you can cancel online through your BeWell account and reschedule for another date and time. If it is less than 48 hours, please contact the BeWell office.

What if I miss my Screening and/or Advising session?
Life happens. We are prepared to forgive one missed Screening and/or Advising appointment. Within 48 hours of your missed appointment, you will be able to login to your account and register for a new appointment. Please note that this option does not apply during the month of November because appointments become extremely impacted at this time.

What is the Plan?

The Plan is an online tool for developing personal wellness strategies. Your advisor will help you get started with your Plan during your advising session. You can then complete it on your own by logging into your BeWell account.

What is Engagement?
Part 4 of the Wellness Profile, Engagement, is an opportunity for additional support in achieving (or maintaining) your wellness goals. Engagement involves working with a wellness coach who can provide resources, direct assistance in goal setting, and/or ongoing encouragement of existing healthy behaviors. During your follow-up coaching session, you and your wellness coach will agree upon an Engagement Action together. Once you’ve taken this Action, submit a written a Reflection and your coach will sign off to complete the process.

Why did BeWell add Engagement?

The personalized support provided by follow-up coaching will help you make real progress toward your wellness goals. Our coaches are experts in wellness, so you don’t have to be. They can guide you to the most useful health and wellness opportunities at Stanford for you.

What deadlines should I be aware of regarding Engagement?

You must complete your Screening and Advising appointment by October 31, 2016 to be eligible for the maximum Wellness Profile incentive earned by completing all 4 Parts by November 30, 2016. Thus, after you have completed Screening and Advising (Parts 1 and 2), you will have 4 weeks before the end of the program to complete your Plan and Engagement (follow-up coaching, setting an engagement action and implementing it, and completing a final written reflection).

What do I have to do to complete the Engagement part of the program?

While filling out your Plan, you can choose to participate in the fourth part of the Wellness Profile — Engagement. This fourth step involves a follow-up call (or more if you like) with a wellness coach who will support you through your engagement action, whether that means clarifying what you want to do or checking in with how it’s already going. Once you’ve taken action and written a reflection, your coach will approve it and your Wellness Profile will be complete.

What if I missed the first Screening/Advising deadline of October 31 relating to Engagement? Can I still participate?

If you complete parts 1-3 of your Wellness Profile by November 30, you will be eligible for the $200 incentive, but you will no longer be eligible for the $480 incentive.

Can my Engagement count towards my Berries?
Yes. If you and your health coach agree upon an activity that can satisfy your engagement needs and is normally offered for Berry credit, you will be awarded both.

What are some examples of Engagement activities?
HIP Healthy Living classes on a wide variety of wellness topics:
  • Nutrition/Weight Management
  • Stress Management
  • Health Enrichment
  • Environmental Health
  • Sleep Health
  • Wellness at Work
  • Disease Prevention and Management (e.g., diabetes, high cholesterol)
  • The Quit Tobacco Program at Stanford
  • Behavior Change: individual & small group options
  • Active Transportation Counseling
  • Participation in Stanford Coordinated Care
  • BeWell Walkers
  • Faculty/Staff Help Center counseling services
Classes or activities validated by your healthcare or private provider:
  • Weight Watchers
  • Retreat Participation
  • Life coaching/counseling
  • Kaiser or Blue Shield class
  • Participation in a fitness challenge (e.g., 5K, bike ride, triathlon)
  • Volunteering

Incentives FAQs
Has the Wellness Profile incentive changed for 2016?
No. Financial incentives still range from $200 to $480 a year. Your incentive and payment date depends on your level of participation. Factors include:
•    If you are a first time participant
•    Your engagement level
•    Your medical plan election
•    Your choice to share your data
•    If your spouse/partner participates

To determine your incentive, please refer to our incentive calculator.

What is the incentive structure in 2016 for spouses and registered domestic partners?
The incentive structure for spouses will not change from the 2015 program. Spouses can continue to participate in parts 1-3 of the Wellness Profile (Screening, Advising & Plan). The Stanford employee must also complete parts 1-4 of their Wellness Profile (Screening, Advising, Plan & Engagement) to earn this incentive. This means the employee must meet the October 31 Advising deadline and the November 30 end of program deadline.

What is the deadline for completion of Part 4 - Engagement?
You must complete your Screening and Advising appointment by October 31 to be eligible for the $480 Wellness Profile incentive. This allows you four weeks to complete your Coaching, to select an Engagement Action with your health coach, and to Reflect on it before the November 30 deadline.

What if I missed the Part 4 - Engagement deadline of October 31? Can I still participate?
You can still complete parts 1-3 of your Wellness Profile between November 1 and November 30 and be eligible for the $200 incentive, but you will no longer be eligible for the $480 incentive.

Is the Berry/Healthy Work Environment incentive separate?
Yes. Benefits-eligible employees who complete 6 or more Berries before the November 30, 2015 deadline, or participate with Healthy Work Environment quarterly goals for 10 weeks earn $100 (taxable) regardless of their other program elections. This incentive is processed once you complete your sixth Berry, or your HWE goals are approved, and is included in your regular paycheck under Earnings as “Berries” or “HWE” within 2 pay periods. Learn more: Berries or HWE NOTE: Employees may only earn one $100 incentive for Berries OR Healthy Work Environment goals—whichever comes first.

Why are participants who share information, are enrolled in a Stanford-sponsored medical plan and choose to complete the Engagement portion of the Wellness Profile receiving a bigger incentive?
If you are enrolled in a Stanford-sponsored medical plan, complete all 4 parts of the Wellness Profile, and agree to share your health screening information, you are helping Stanford understand the health status of our community — which helps us better tailor our prevention programs and services to the Stanford population. In addition, if you are making healthy lifestyle choices because of the BeWell program, you may be helping Stanford contain its health care costs. Thus, we want to encourage and reward our employees and their dependents for making the commitment to leading a healthy lifestyle.

We still reward employees who take steps to be healthy — even if they are not enrolled in a Stanford-sponsored medical plan, do not agree to share their information or do not participate in the Engagement part of the Wellness Profile. Employees can start of join a Healthy Work Environment (HWE) and are eligible for the Berry incentives regardless of whether or not they share information or are on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan. Furthermore, everyone has the opportunity to participate in parts 1-3 of the Wellness Profile (screening, advising and plan).

In addition, benefits-eligible employees who are not on a Stanford-sponsored medical plan because they have waived medical coverage already receive a financial incentive of $25 (listed as "Flex Cash") per paycheck — or $600 per year.

When will I see the incentive for my spouse/registered domestic partner’s 2016 participation?
Spouses and registered domestic partners will receive their $240 (taxable) wellness incentive in early 2017 for their 2016 participation. Payments will be added to the employee’s regular paycheck under Earnings. Important note: The Stanford employee must complete parts 1 through 4 of their Wellness Profile in order for spouses/partners to be eligible for their incentive. This means the employee must meet the October 31 Advising deadline and the November 30 end of program deadline.