Daniel Jarosz, PhD

Assistant Professor of Chemical & Systems Biology and Developmental Biology

Dan Jarosz, PhDDan received his B.S. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Washington and then moved to Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his PhD, where he investigated mechanisms of replication and mutagenesis in the laboratory of Dr. Graham Walker. Following his graduation in 2007, Dan pursued postdoctoral training at the Whitehead Institute with Dr. Susan Lindquist, a pioneer in the field of protein folding. In 2013 Dan established his independent group at Stanford, where his research is focused on molecular mechanisms that contribute to robustness and evolvability.

As a mentor, Dan is committed to empowering trainees to take charge of their own learning. This starts with fostering a civilized environment where lab members operate with a generous spirit, discussing their newest findings with one another and sharing ideas, expertise, and reagents. Dynamism in our intellectual community also requires a wide range of perspectives provided by diversity of experience, age, physical ability, religion, race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, and more. This demands that we support trainees in whatever way we can, particularly as they attempt to balance a career in science with their social values, family responsibilities, and personal aspirations.

In engaging with SoLID, Dan hopes to help trainees of all stripes as they discern and navigate their paths at Stanford and beyond. He is eager to facilitate discussion of a wide range of topics including but not limited to balancing family and work, integrating a commitment to social justice with a career in science, and finding time for a fulfilling life outside the lab.

Students can email Dan directly at jarosz@stanford.edu.