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Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Program Applications for Summer 2016 Available Now

Application deadline: December 10, 2015

Group photo of Bio-X USRP students.

The Bio-X Program would like to announce our call for applications for the Undergraduate Summer Research Program with funding available starting in the summer of 2016.

Introducing undergraduates to the excitement of interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of knowledge is essential for training a new generation to participate in discovery. The Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Program (Bio-X USRP) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to conduct hands-on research, build awareness of interdisciplinary areas, and network with Bio-X faculty. This formative experience influences their subsequent work at Stanford and beyond.

Stanford undergraduate students are eligible to participate and should be in communication with Bio-X affiliated faculty to decide on an interdisciplinary project that may be supported by this award. The Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Program awards a total of $6400 (or the equivalent of the VPUE/UAR major grant) to the student for a 10-week period of full-time research during the summer quarter and $1000 to their mentoring faculty to support their research. ($6400, or the VPUE/UAR major grant equivalent, is the maximum stipend amount a student may receive even in conjunction with any other funding source for the summer quarter; if awarded by Bio-X, the student must inform Bio-X of any other funding sources that the student is receiving.)

To encourage the students to meet each other and to learn about different fields of research, each sponsoring faculty member is asked to present a short talk about the work in their group. Once a week, three faculty members will give 20-minute talks for the students from noon to 1 pm. To accept the award, students are required to confirm participation in all scheduled Bio-X Undergraduate Research Talks, to commit to full-time lab research during the 10-week period (June 20th to August 26th), and to present a poster to the Bio-X community during the week of August 22nd (date TBD). Requests for any exceptions to the full-time on-campus commitment from June 20th to August 26th must be preapproved by the Bio-X program and must accompany the application. NO exceptions to the commitment will be made after the awards are granted.

Application Information

Complete applications must be received, not postmarked, by December 10, 2015 at 5:00 pm PST. The online application may be completed by the student or faculty mentor. After the application is received, an email will be sent to the identified faculty member asking for confirmation of mentorship via email to by December 10, 2015 at 5 pm PST. See link below  for complete details on application eligibility and requirements and to access the application.

Questions about the application process or technical issues, contact:

Gabriella Martelino Herman (Bio-X Education and Fellowship Coordinator)

Announcement Details and Application