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Long-Term Relationships: Couples in it for the Long Haul

A weekly discussion group for couples managing long-term relationship issues such as:

  • Where’d the fun go?
  • Personality differences – an attribute in the beginning becomes an abhorrence
  • Same fight, different day – flexing well-toned muscles of dysfunctional communication
  • Intimacy deceleration – sexual and emotional disconnect

The group is limited to 8 couples on a first-response basis. Registration is required, as is attendance at all three sessions. Brief screening telephone interview required by December 15.


  • Mary Foston-English, MA, Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Dawn Guthart, MA, Marriage and Family Therapist


Free and open to all faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars and retirees of Stanford University, LPCH and Stanford Hospital and clinics. Eligible dependents may also attend. BeWell Berry available for eligible employees.

Dates offered

This is BeWell Berry eligible.