Ge Wang | 王戈
researcher | designer | teacher | consultant

cv | bio | my talk

Assistant Professor
CCRMA | Department of Music
(also of Computer Science, by Courtesy)
Stanford University


selected publications | projects | press clippings
chuck | ocarina | slork | mopho | sndpeek | mcd-api
phd thesis | my 3-books site | my research group

teaching (see full list, including all past courses)
music256a | cs476a: artful design for computer music (fall 2015)
music256b | cs476b: virtual reality and music (winter 2016)
music220b | compositional algorithms (winter 2016)
music128 | cs170: stanford laptop orchestra (spring 2016)

interaction design + artful product design
co-founder + chief creative (until 2013)
smule, and the world smules with you.

office: Knoll 212
e-mail: ge /at/
twitter: @gewang  
videos: youtube | vimeo | "micro films"
photographs: all sets | stream

I come from here.