Graph API Version

Graph API Reference

This is a full list of the Graph API root nodes. The main difference between a root node and a non-root node is that root nodes can be queried directly, while non-root nodes can be queried via root nodes or edges. If you want to learn how to use the Graph API, read our Using Graph API guide, and if you want to know which APIs can solve some frequent issues, try our Common Scenarios guide.

Graph API Root Nodes


Instance for an achievement for a user.

Achievement Type

Graph API Reference Achievement Type /achievement-type


A photo album

Analytics App Events Export

Analytics app events export job

App Link Host

An individual app link host object created by an app

App Request

An individual app request received by someone, sent by an app or another person


A Facebook app

Application Context

Provides access to available social context edges for this app

Async Session

Represents an async job request to Graph API.

Audience Insights Rule

Definition of a rule

CTCert Domain

A domain name that has been issued new certificates.


A canvas document

Canvas Button

A button inside the canvas

Canvas Carousel

A carousel inside a canvas

Canvas Footer

A footer of the canvas

Canvas Header

A header inside the canvas.

Canvas Photo

A photo inside a canvas

Canvas Product Set

A product set inside the canvas.

Canvas Store Locator

A store locator inside the canvas

Canvas Text

Text element of the canvas

Canvas Video

A video inside canvas


A single comment


A Facebook Messages conversation between a person and a Facebook Page

Debug Token

Debug token endpoint docs


A Document


A web domain claimed within Facebook Insights

Education Experience

The person's education history


An event

Friend List

This represents a user's friend list on Facebook


A Facebook group.

Group Doc

Graph API Reference Group Doc /group-doc

Life Event

Page milestone information


A link shared on Facebook

Live Video

A live video

Mailing Address

A mailing address object


A single message in Facebook Messenger


Graph API Reference Milestone /milestone

Native Offer

A native offer represents an Offer on Facebook. The /{offer_id} node returns a single native offer. Each native offer requires a view to be rendered to users.


Graph API Reference Notification /notification

Object Comments

Comments on an object

Object Likes

This reference describes the /likes edge that is common to multiple Graph API nodes. The structure and operations are the same for each node.

Object Reactions

First revision to publish

Object Sharedposts

Shares of this object

Open Graph Action Type

An Open Graph action type

Open Graph Context

Social context

Open Graph Object Type

An Open Graph object type


Returns a Page.

Page Admin Note

Page's admin note

Page Call To Action

Page's call-to-action

Page Label

Page's label


This object represents a single Insights metric that is tied to another particular Graph API object (Page, App, Post, etc.).

Pages Platform Component Flow Service Config

A node to get Native Component workflows info.


A single payment


This represents a Photo on Facebook.


A place

Place Tag

A Place Tag

Place Topic

The category of a place Page


Graph API Reference Post /post


Graph API Reference Profile /profile

Promotion Info

A promotional info for the post.

RTBDynamic Post

A dynamically generated Post, used for Dynamic Ad Creatives


An app request received by a person. A request can be sent by an app or another person

Sales Promo

Entity to describe an offer. One needs to be whitelisted to use this API. Please contact the support group and ask them to reach out to the team that is responsible for this API to request to be whitelisted.

Saved Message Response

A saved message response for a Facebook Page


A status message in a profile's feed

Test User

A test user for a Facebook app


A messages thread in Facebook Messenger


Returns a User.

User Context

Social context for a person


A Video

Video Copyright

A video copyright

Video Copyright Rule

A video copyright rules

Video List

A playlist for videos

With Asset3D

Represents a 3D Asset.

Work Experience

Information about a user's work