RSVP: How to Succeed as a Future Leader: Bridging Differences

Leadership Workshop

Wednesday, April 22 | 9am-12pm (breakfast and lunch included) | Graduate Community Center, Havana Room
Please RSVP here!

As a future leader in industry, academia, government or your community, will you have the necessary leadership skills to guide a diverse team towards achieving a common goal? How well will you work with teammates with vastly different backgrounds and experiences? Join us in an interactive, experiential leadership development workshop with renowned management consultant Milano Harden, to explore aspects of leadership including nurturing empathy, embracing difference, and cultivating understanding of diversity.

Milano Harden is the president and founder of The Genius Group, Inc (TGG), an organization dedicated to transforming communities through supporting leadership, equity, and organizational effectiveness. With past positions at the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard University, and the American Hospital Association, Milano has extensive experience and training in philanthropic strategy, leadership and organizational development, nonprofit management, equity and inclusion, and community health improvement.

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