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Questions about this topic can be answered by:

McCabe, Patti

Director Training & Communication

Vice Provost and Dean of Research

(650) 725-9066

National Science Foundation NEW! Proposal Preparation and Award Guide: NSF 16-1 Presentation, January 11, 2016, Clark Center

Learn about the latest NSF PAPPG from your OSR and DOR colleagues! 

We will host a live presentation on the NSF Guide changes on January 11, 2016 at the Clark Center Room S360, 9-10 AM

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ABC Meeting October 14, 2015

View the presentations here!

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NIH Webinars for Applicants and Grant Administrators: What You Need to Know About NIH Application Submission and Review

The NIH CSR is hosting a free webinar for new applicants, their mentors, and grant administrators! These webinars are designed to give participants useful insights into our application submission and peer review processes.  CSR is the portal for NIH grant applications and their review for scientific and technical merit.

Each Webinar Will Have a Different Focus

Webinar Focus


University Research Administrators

November 5, 2015

Research Project Grants (R01)

November 6, 2015

All of the webinars will run from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m. PST, including a 30 minute Q&A period.


For more information click here.

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Upcoming NCURA Meetings

View NCURA events!

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Upcoming SRA Meetings

Cayuse 424 Training Sessions



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