
Win over more diners with Facebook for restaurants.

Stay in step with your customers who operate in a mobile-first world.

Connect with the world's largest food community on Facebook and Instagram to increase awareness, drive consideration and increase loyalty for your food experiences. Today's mobile diners can order whenever and wherever – so be there when they're hungry.

Create awareness and demand using Facebook adverts for restaurants

Create cravings

Generate awareness and demand by sharing your offerings with a huge and hyper-engaged food community on Instagram and Facebook.

Drive visits and actions using Facebook advertising for restaurants

Drive visits and actions

Efficiently reach a massive, on-the-go audience at their "point of hunger": in the few hours leading up to when they make decisions about where and what to eat.

Bring customers back to your restaurant with Facebook adverts

Bring them back

Boost brand loyalty by providing personalised value, offers and convenience to your best customers.

Example of a Facebook Canvas advert from Jack in the Box on mobile

13-point lift in advert recall

Jack in the Box

Read their Story

Jack in the Box

This popular fast-food chain used video adverts and Canvas to increase awareness of its Declaration of Delicious campaign, resulting in a 13-point lift in advert recall.


Panera Bread

The bakery and café chain supplemented its TV advertisements with Facebook video adverts that introduced people to its Rapid Pick-Up programme, increasing consideration intent by six points.

Example of a mobile Facebook video advert from Panera Bread

6-point lift in intent

Panera Bread

Read their Story

Turn up the heat on sales

Find the right Facebook advertising solutions to help you meet your business goals at national, regional and local levels.

Promote your restaurant's experience in a Facebook video advert

Show off your menu

Give people a taste of your restaurant experience with attention-grabbing video adverts.

Get your restaurant to connect with the Instagram food audience using Instagram adverts

Reach the foodies

Connect with one of the most engaged and enthusiastic food audiences on the web.

Use Facebook Store Visits adverts for promoting your restaurants based on user location

Drive store visits

Create adverts with location-based relevance for people who are nearby your restaurants.

Show your restaurant's menu items automatically to customers with Facebook dynamic adverts

Promote the right eats

Automatically showcase and rotate a variety of options from your menu.

Let customers know about your restaurant mobile app with Facebook App Installs adverts

Get more app installs

Encourage diners to come back to you by getting them to download your mobile app.

Facebook is a key platform for us to enter into new markets and find strong lifetime customers. We can target certain postal codes and provide relevant content based on peoples' locations. Facebook now accounts for up to 40% of our overall traffic.

Rei-Ling Dulebohn

Senior Marketing Manager at Munchery


Local or regional franchise? Learn how Facebook can work for you.


Creative inspiration for businesses


Free and simple tools to create Facebook adverts on mobile


Welcome to Marketing on Facebook.


Successful campaigns best practices


See how other restaurants reach diners at each point in their journey

Baked NYC

Baked NYC created lead adverts for Thanksgiving for a 40% increase in pie sales

Boba Guys

Boba Guys used Local Awareness adverts to drive foot traffic for a nine-fold return on advertising spend

Taco Bell

Taco Bell scaled product awareness by running video adverts alongside its TV adverts

Ruby Tuesday

Ruby Tuesday used dynamic Local Awareness adverts to drive a 2.6% increase in net sales spend

Hungry for more? See Facebook restaurants in the news.

Reach more diners in your area

A family of apps and services for all of the ways that people and businesses connect.