See what other businesses are doing on Facebook
Get recaps, highlights and teasers for major industry events
Explore creative examples and make your own advert mockups

Retail and e-commerce

Drive online and in-store sales with Facebook for Retail.

Do more at every stage of the buyer's journey, from discovery to purchase.

Drive awareness of your products with Facebook


Drive brand and product awareness, and build anticipation for new launches by reaching the over 1.8 billion people who use Facebook each month.

Acquire new customers with Facebook


Find more leads and buyers with our effortless sign-up process and boost mobile app installs to develop deeper customer relationships.

Sell your retail products on Facebook


Increase purchases, sign-ups and other valuable actions by unifying the entire shopping experience – from online spaces to physical shops.

Facebook dynamic advert from retailer ASOS

3xincrease in orders


ASOS drove sales by getting personal.

This mobile-first fashion retailer showed shoppers richly personalised adverts based on what they'd looked at in the past – for a dramatic increase in sales.


West Elm's launch in Europe was a smashing success.

As this home brand moved to a European market, it used Lookalike Audience on Facebook to reach 1.6 million new customers and increase purchase rates by 40%.

Facebook advert from West Elm targeting with Lookalike Audiences

1.6 million new customers reached

West Elm UK

Read their story

Upgrade your marketing toolkit

Find the right Facebook tools to address your biggest retail and e-commerce challenges.

Promote your retail and e-commerce products using Facebook dynamic adverts

Promote relevant products

Automatically display products from your catalogue based on what people are most likely to purchase.

Raise brand awareness of your retail and e-commerce products with Facebook

Grow brand awareness

More than 1.2 billion people use Facebook every day. Help them to share and discover your business.

Generate leads for your retail and e-commerce business on Facebook

Get qualified leads

Make it easy for people to sign up or express interest by letting them submit pre-populated contact forms.

Get customers to visit your retail shops with offline conversions

Close the loop offline

After people view or click on a Facebook advert, encourage them to visit your shop and make a purchase.

Facebook is an essential component of our marketing strategy. We've used Facebook and Instagram adverts to acquire tons of new customers and build a relationship with them that goes beyond just being the company that they buy underwear from. We plan to continue using Facebook to spearhead our aggressive customer acquisition goals.

Dan King

Director of Marketing, MeUndies

Get smarter about your customers

Brand loyalty

Hear from 14,700 US adults about what makes them loyal to a brand.

Mobile usage

Get the retail marketer's guide to seizing mobile opportunity.

Festive season habits

Learn about festive season shopping trends and attitudes in 17 markets.

Strategic planning

Three Facebook researchers describe how efficient planning can drive sales.


See how retailers are using Facebook to sell more


Lowe's shared inspiring DIY ideas for 6.7x return on advertising spend.


Tilt targeted university-age website visitors for a 70% boost in web traffic.


L'Occitane used Canvas to reach more than 2.3 million people.

Banana Republic

Banana Republic acquired new customers during the festive period.

Start growing sales today.

A family of apps and services for all of the ways that people and businesses connect.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.