See what other businesses are doing on Facebook
Get recaps, highlights and teasers for major industry events
Explore creative examples and make your own advert mockups


Grow your telecoms market share.

Increase subscribers and brand equity.

Reach customers who are interested in your telecoms products and services using Facebook advertising solutions


Secure broad reach into your most valuable customer segments. Then boost awareness of new products and promotions with our video solutions.

Let new customers discover your telecoms products and services with Facebook advert targeting


Get more people to tune in to your content – and raise the value of your content and sponsorship investments – with powerful discovery and targeting solutions.

Grow your business and customer retention with Facebook Adverts


Attract and retain valuable customers using personalised insights and ongoing full-funnel solutions.

A Facebook video advert example on mobile from Vodafone Germany

5-pointincrease in purchase intent


Vodafone moved families towards purchase.

Vodafone used smart segmenting to target families for its service launch in Germany. The result? A major boost in awareness and purchase intent.


Virgin Mobile successfully broke into a tough market.

Virgin Mobile put Facebook at the heart of its marketing strategy for its launch in Saudi Arabia – for outstanding sales and dramatically increased market share.

Example of a Facebook advert on mobile from Virgin Mobile

1.6xreturn on advertising investment

Virgin Mobile

Read their story

Start accomplishing your goals

Find the right Facebook marketing tools for your biggest challenges.

Facebook marketing tools for the telecoms industry

Launch new products and services

Facebook is primed for discovery. Put new products and services on people's radar, then drive them towards purchase.

Spark consideration

Showcase key product features with unique advert formats such as video adverts.

Generate intent

Reach the right audiences at the right times throughout the launch cycle.

Convert in-store or online

Target prospects in the consideration phase, or offer upgrades to new device owners.


Increase the value of your content investment.

Accelerate speed to revenue by communicating content offers to your customers and monetising property views.

Find the right crowd

Target the people who are most likely to want novel content or new brands.

Pique people's interest

Use lead adverts to promote exclusive content and easy options to install or subscribe.

Get real results

Accurately measure the impact of your campaign by surveying real people.

Facebook Adverts tips for the telecoms industry
Business growth with Facebook advertising for the telecoms industry

Get more subscribers and customers

Drive more visits to your shops and sites and boost sales – from phones to wearables to service and data plans.

Reach with relevance

Target people based on your CRM data to increase retention and up-sells.

Increase shop visits

Provide local shop info so people can easily find your locations and take action.

Drive conversions

Prompt people to buy now, whether they're shopping in shops or online.

After seeing great results from our video advertising campaigns on Facebook, we will continue to use Facebook's reach and scale to deliver the right content, to the right people, at the right time.

Max Kelerstein

Social Media Marketing Manager, Verizon Wireless


See how telecoms businesses are advertising on Facebook to grow


T-Mobile reached a huge Polish audience at 82% lower cost per reach than TV.


Sosh used video adverts and targeting to get a huge 22-point uplift in advert recall.


Canadian telecoms brand TELUS gets 18% of in-store revenue from Facebook adverts.


Cierto's Mexican Facebook campaign resulted in a four-fold increase in line activations.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.