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Messaging on your Page

Make it easy for people to connect with your business through Messenger.

Build relationships with your customers

More and more people around the world are connecting through instant messaging – more than 1 billion people use Facebook Messenger each month.1 It's a convenient way to let customers know that you're listening and create personal connections with them, and it's automatically integrated with every Facebook Page.

Mobile example of how Facebook Messenger works for communicating with customers

By communicating through Messenger, you can:

  • Have conversations with people directly from your Facebook business Page.
  • Privately answer questions or concerns from customers about your business, their orders or anything else.
  • Let people know when you're available to answer their messages and Page comments and messages.

Communicate with your customers from anywhere, at any time

Messenger is a great place to have conversations to hear your customers' opinions, answer questions, provide information about your business and much more.

Tips for communicating with customers using Messenger

Tips for managing your messages

It's important to have a plan in place for receiving and responding to messages. Use these guidelines for communicating with your customers on Messenger.

Turn on messaging on your Facebook Page when you're ready

Turn on messaging when you're ready

When you've enabled messaging for your Page, people will send you messages and expect a response. So only turn on messaging when you can commit to responding to messages.

Turn on Instant Replies on your Facebook Page for an automated reply

Set expectations with Instant Replies

Turn on Instant Replies to send an automated reply to anyone who messages your Page. This feature can be used to greet customers and thank them for contacting you before you can respond personally.

Hover over the customer's name to see the information card so that you send the right message

Send the right message for each customer

Look at your customer information cards to get information on your customer before responding. The context shows you their local time, where they live, order history and more information about that customer. This helps you tailor a message that's right for them.

Greet your customers using a Messenger Greeting

Set a welcome greeting

With a Messenger Greeting, you can set a customisable greeting to appear when someone begins a conversation with your Page for the first time. This greeting appears before any messages are sent and can provide any information you want people to have before they message you.

Use Messenger's Away Message to let the customer know that you're unavailable at the moment

Use an Away Message if you can't be there

Whenever you're away from your computer or phone, you can turn on Away Messages to let customers know that you'll respond soon. This helps you maintain your responsiveness rating and set expectations with your customers.

Use your most common messages with saved replies on Facebook Pages

Save time with saved replies

Saved replies allows you to write, save and then re-use messages. These can be especially useful for commonly asked questions such as about your opening hours, email address or phone number.

Additional resources

Facebook Blueprint

Take our online courses on Facebook Messenger.

Advertiser Help Centre

Read about using Facebook for customer service: sending a message and managing messages.

A family of apps and services for all of the ways that people and businesses connect.

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