Reports & Publications

[Photo: Stanford publications]


Building on Excellence: Guide to Recruiting and Retaining an Excellent and Diverse Faculty at Stanford University

This is a downloadable guide to the recruitment and retention of an excellent and diverse faculty at Stanford University. (1.76 MB)

Family Matters @ Stanford for Faculty

This booklet provides descriptions of programs, resources and policies that Stanford University offers specifically to support faculty members and their families. (1.84 MB)


(Stanford faculty and staff only – login required)

Student Voices: Why Faculty Diversity?

The Search Committee


Report on the Quality of Life of Stanford Faculty

This report from the Panel on Faculty Equity and Quality of Life, published in January, 2010, presents findings from the second Stanford Faculty Quality of Life Survey, conducted in November, 2008. This survey followed up on an earlier survey conducted in 2003 (see PACSWF report, below) and included questions allowing for comparisons with survey findings of several peer institutions. The 2008 survey included questions about satisfaction with being a faculty member, perceptions of workplace climate and reasonableness of workload, and satisfaction with life beyond work. The report also contains recommendations for follow-up by the university on faculty quality of life issues. (5.0 MB)

Childcare Needs Assessment

This survey was conducted in May, 2007 with the goal of obtaining detailed perspectives of current faculty with children age 5 and under on their child care experiences, needs, and priorities. (1.6 MB)

Pipeline Report

(Full Report  2.4 MB), (Summary 180 KB)

The goal of the Pipeline Project, part of the Stanford Campus Diversity Initiative funded by a grant from the James W. Irvine Foundation, is to analyze the factors that affect academic career choices, particularly of underrepresented minorities and women, with the goal to increase faculty diversity.

Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE)

(Full Report 3.51 MB), (Executive Summary 1.26 MB), (Academic Areas 123 KB)

The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), based at Harvard University, is a joint initiative to improve the quality of tenure-track faculty work life. In the Fall of 2005 Stanford University participated in the COACHE survey and received a custom profile of its results. Available here is the full report on the Tenure-Track Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey, Institutional Report: Stanford University 2005-2006. Specific sections and the full report are available for download.

The survey, organized around five themes: ( 1) tenure, (2) nature of work, (3) policies and practices, (4) climate culture, and collegiality; and (5) global satisfaction, provides an institutional profile by which our institution received ratings within each cluster.

Provost's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women Faculty (PACSWF)

(Press Release 52 KB), (Executive Summary 47 KB), (Report, 248 KB), (Appendices  5.2 MB)

A three-year study comparing women and men faculty members at Stanford shows no significant gender differences for the university as a whole in measures of overall satisfaction or in non-salary compensation and support in most parts of the university. Published May 27, 2004. The study was conducted by the Provost’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women Faculty, chaired by Deborah Rhode, the Ernest W. McFarland Professor of Law.