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Negotiation Skills

Mastery of negotiation is a life skill; we all negotiate every day with colleagues, bosses, domestic partners, friends, students and many others.  This workshop is a dynamic mix of theory, demonstration, skills exercises and roleplay practice intended to increase your confidence and effectiveness in any negotiation you undertake. We explore critical negotiation theory such as competitive versus collaborative approaches and identification of motivating interests to improve both your approach to negotiation and the quality of your outcomes.  We continue with the essentials of thorough preparation for a negotiation including setting specific targets, identifying sources of influence and defining the point of walk away with reference to a methodical alternatives analysis.  While building this negotiation framework, we define and practice critical communication and influencing skills.  We also outline a practical framework so that you have a clear map of an effective negotiation process.  Participants should leave the workshop with a solid foundation for more principled, persuasive and successful negotiation in a variety of contexts. 

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be expected to:

  • learn to be aware of and manage the tension between creating and claiming value as well as stylistic differences that may be more suitable for these different tasks in a negotiation. 
  • know how to move past surface demands and strategies to discover the underlying needs and motivators (both their own and those of others).  When these are discovered, there are significantly more and better solutions, and a more collaborative environment.
  • gain a better understanding of their own conflict management and negotiation style so as to elicit strengths and minimize weaknesses. 
  • develop understanding of less familiar styles so as to engage with those more effectively.
  • learn the importance and content of a comprehensive plan for a negotiation.  Research clearly demonstrates that effective preparation helps to optimize outcomes.  They will also observe and improve their effectiveness in critical communication skills and persuasion strategies.  Finally, they will gain an understanding of the essential flow of a negotiation and learn how to focus their efforts in each phase. 

The workshop is organized over 2 half-day sessions.  9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (lunch included).  

Participation in both sessions is required. Space is limited.  

Workshop Instructor

Jessica Notini

Jessica Notini is a full-time mediator, trainer, negotiation coach and facilitator practicing in California and internationally in many Latin countries.  Ms. Notini is a leader in the field of alternative dispute resolution in California.  She is past Chair of the California State Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee and she served for three years as President of the Association for Dispute Resolution of Northern California (formerly NCMA) and was a member of the Board of Directors for the Mediation Society of San Francisco.  She is currently a member of the Contra Costa Mediation Society.  She was recognized for her leadership and years of dedication with the California Dispute Resolution Council’s 2012 Don Weckstein Award.

In her mediation practice, Ms. Notini focuses primarily on the areas of probate & estate, employment discrimination and business disputes.   As a trainer, Ms. Notini has developed and led many workshops for both private entities and public institutions in the areas of leadership & influencing, teambuilding, communication skills, negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution.  Ms. Notini is an Adjunct Professor at Stanford Law School, Boalt School of Law, Hastings College of the Law, and Mills College MBA Program.  She is also a Senior Consultant in negotiation with Accordence, Integrated Management Associates and Lax & Sebenius.