About Us

The Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies offers an undergraduate major, a secondary major, a minor, and an interdisciplinary honors program that is open to students in all majors. Each Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies student builds an individual program of study around a self-defined thematic focus, integrating courses from multiple departments. The Program encourages work in the arts and supports creative honors theses. Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies majors may declare Arts & Culture, Global Studies, Health, or LGBT/Queer Studies as a subplan, or students may design their own.

In addition, the Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies offers a PhD minor to students already enrolled in a doctorate program at Stanford.  Please see our Graduate Students page for more information.

Email inquiries can be directed to feminist-staff@stanford.edu.

Interested in partnering with the Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies for an event idea? Seeking co-sponsorship for an event already being planned? Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies is an academic inter-departmental program that is not funded by the University to give large grants. However, we do have a small discretionary fund that may be tapped to co-sponsor events related to feminist, gender, and sexuality studies, and we could assist with publicizing our co-sponsored events with our community. Please completely fill out the Grant Request form or the Co-Sponsorship form on our forms page and return it to feminist-staff@stanford.edu.

Faculty Director

Christine Min Wotipka (Education)
cwotipka@stanford.edu, (650) 736-1392

Associate Program Director

Patti Hanlon-Baker
Office: 460-406

Program Administrator

Monica P. Moore
Office: 460-219

Academic Services Administrator

Rachel Meisels
rmeisels@stanford.edu, (650)723-3413
Office: 460-216

Grad Mentor

Lily Lamboy

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