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Caroline Hernandez

I had never been to China until this summer, when I got to live and work at a magazine in Beijing. I had studied Chinese but had only really scratched the surface in my study of Chinese culture. During the summer I lived with a native Beijing host family and they taught me more about Chinese culture than I could ever learn in a classroom, and improved my Chinese, to boot. They took me to eat Peking duck, to the park they went to on Saturday mornings to sing and dance, and even to a Chinese wedding. The showed me more generosity and hospitality than I ever could have asked for! I also learned about Chinese culture through my work. I interned at Time Out Beijing and was lucky enough to get to explore the city for my job.  The magazine covers what's what in Beijing--music, nightlife, food, activities around town and more. I interned in the editorial department and worked with the web editor and performed a variety of tasks: editing event posts, writing blogs, doing research and transcriptions and writing articles for the magazine. I got to explore Beijing's hutongs, go to a fashion party, attend art exhibits, and go rock climbing with a view of the Great Wall--and all for my job!  I loved getting to know the city, and also getting to experience working at a magazine. Journalism is something that I've been interested in since before high school and interning at Time Out was the culmination of time on my high school's yearbook staff and communication classes at Stanford. My summer working at Time Out was a truly incredible experience!"

Internship Year: 
2 013
International Relations
Company Name: 
Time Out Magazine
Beijing, China