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International Trial Monitoring

The Handa Center's trial monitoring team at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.

The Handa Center's trial monitoring team at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

Trial Monitoring Team

The Handa Center uses trial monitoring as a capacity-building tool through regular and special reports that encourage the adoption of international best practices in human rights proceedings and war crimes trials in countries such as Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, and Sierra Leone. Our trial monitoring programs have also served to develop the knowledge and skills of young lawyers and students from Singapore, Cambodia, Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Germany, Switzerland, China, and the United States who have served on our trial monitoring teams over the years.

Trial Monitoring Reports

The trial monitoring team in Cambodia produces weekly reports in an effort to provide international and Cambodian audiences with current, analytical information on the proceedings of the ECCC. These reports feature a comprehensive summary of the proceedings, including information on trial management and important legal and procedural issues. Reports are produced by trial monitors who attend every day of trial proceedings, providing thorough transcripts of the court hearings. Along with weekly reports, we also produce reports detailing more specific issues that arise during proceedings as well as informational email digests that summarize major elements of the proceedings. Learn more by accessing our database of periodic reports or special reports.

Trial Monitoring Social Media

With over 1500 followers on Twitter and Facebook combined, our trial monitoring team reliably keeps many national and international followers of the ECCC up to date on the daily occurrences of the Court. The Khmer Rouge Tribunal trial monitoring tweets are available at @krtmonitor and Facebook updates are posted to our Facebook page KRT Monitor.