

    CNN Money recently published an article called, Reaching deaf babies with implants, iPads and  therapy, which describes a join effort, BabyTalk, with Stanford and the Weingarten Children’s Center. The goal of this free program is to link families with deaf children, under the age of three, who have or will be getting cochlear implants, with a remote team of professionals who can help the child learn to listen and speak.

    “I used to take my hearing loss for granted, as an unfortunate fact of my existence. No longer…”

    Dan Gillmore | photo by Jio Ito I used to take my hearing loss for granted, as an unfortunate fact of my existence. No longer, because in recent weeks I’ve been digging a

    By |January 30th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Hearing Topics, Updates|Tags: , , |Comments Off on “I used to take my hearing loss for granted, as an unfortunate fact of my existence. No longer…”

    New version of lifesaving drug is safer for the ear and kidneys

    Dr. Cheng Dr.  Ricci A recently published paper in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, by SICHL members and senior authors Alan Cheng, MD and Anthony Ricci, PhD, reports the development of

    By |January 5th, 2015|Categories: Hearing Topics, Publications, Research, Updates|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on New version of lifesaving drug is safer for the ear and kidneys

    December 2014 Newsletter

    December 2014 Newsletter   The recent newsletter from SICHL included all the latest news from recently published papers, to event and new lab websites. Click through on the image above to read the

    By |January 4th, 2015|Categories: Newsletter, Publications, Research, Updates|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on December 2014 Newsletter

    2014 Research Report

    By Stefan Heller, PhD In 2014, we welcomed a new faculty member, Nicolas Grillet, PhD. The Grillet Laboratory opened its doors on April 1st 2014 to focus on the genetics of hearing loss, but also