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Richard White

Headshot of Richard White

Richard White

Professor of American History
Margaret Byrne Professor of American History
United States
Ph.D., University of Washington
M.A., University of Washington
B.A., University of California at Santa Cruz

Richard White is an historian of the United States specializing in the American West, the history of capitalism, environmental history, history and memory, and Native American history.  His work has occasionally spilled over into Mexico, Canada, France, Australia and Ireland.

He is a MacArthur Fellow and a recipient of the Mellon Distinguished Professor Award.  His work has won numerous academic prizes, and he has twice been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

Selected Publications & Projects

Zephyr Frank, Richard White
The Spatial History Project at Stanford University is a place for a collaborative community of students, staff, and scholars to engage in creative...
Richard White
The transcontinental railroads of the late nineteenth century were the first corporate behemoths. Their attempts to generate profits from...
Richard White
An acclaimed book and widely acknowledged classic, The Middle Ground steps outside the simple stories of Indian-white relations – stories of conquest...


Selected Journals & Book Chapters

Richard White
ed. T. J. Jackson Lears
“Transcendental Landscapes,” in American Victorians and Virgin Nature, ed. T. J. Jackson Lears (Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum,...
Richard White
eds. Ronald Hoffman, Mechal Sobel, and Fredrika J. Teute
“‘Although I am dead, I am not entirely dead. I have left a second of myself’: Constructing Self and Persons on the Middle Ground of Early American”...
Richard White
eds. Clyde A. Milner II, Carol A. O’Connor and Martha A. Sandweiss
“Animals and Enterprise,” in The Oxford History of the American West, eds. Clyde A. Milner II, Carol A. O’Connor and Martha A. Sandweiss (...


BackStory Interveiw: Historian Richard White and host Ed Ayers discuss the aspirations of most 19th-century Americans, and their wariness about great wealth.

Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America