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Disk-Based Replication

The Disk-Based Replication service is  a backup and recovery solution for Stanford faculty and staff to backup data from their servers or desktops to disk systems managed by Administrative Systems. This backup and recovery solution does not use tape technology, nor does it use the backup program or protocol typically used for tape backup. Disk-Based Replication can be offered at a  substantially lower cost than our TSM-based Backup and Recovery Service for Servers (BaRS).

Rather than using a specific program or protocol for backup and recovery, Disk-Based Replication is implemented based on the unique needs for the department’s application and data.


  • Stores backup copies in Administrative Systems’ central and secure Data Center facilities.
  • Enables quick recovery from hardware failures with backups that are kept online.
  • Does not require any specific backup software installation.

Getting started

The Disk-Based Replication service is available by subscription and is charged monthly to your department’s University IT billing statement. The cost is based on the amount of File Storage required to store the backups. If you wish to subscribe to the Disk-Based Replication service, please submit a HelpSU request.

Once you have agreed on the replication setup with the Storage group, place an order via OrderIT for File Storage or Secure File Storage disk space, and to cancel any legacy BaRS services.

Learn more

Last modified December 9, 2015