Directed Research


Course Code:
LAW 400
1 - 4
Law Mixed H/P/R/F or MP/R/F


Directed Research is an extraordinary opportunity for students beyond the first-year to research problems in any field of law. The final product must be embodied in a paper or other form of written work involving a substantial independent effort on the part of the student. A student must submit a detailed petition of at least 250 words, approved by the sponsoring faculty member, outlining his or her proposed project and demonstrating that the research is likely to result in a significant scholarly contribution. A petition will not be approved for work assigned or performed in a course, clinic, or externship for which the student has or will receive credit. A petition must indicate whether the product is intended for publication in a law review or elsewhere. A student may petition for "Directed Research: Curricular Development" when the work involves assisting a Law School faculty member in developing concepts or materials for new and innovative law school courses. Both the supervising faculty member and the Associate Dean for Curriculum must approve petition for "Directed Research: Curricular Development." Students must meet with the instructor frequently for the purposes of report and guidance. Unit credit is by arrangement. Students whose projects warrant more than four units should consider a Senior Thesis or the Research Track. See SLS Student Handbook for requirements and limitations. With the approval of the instructor, a directed research project of two-units or more may satisfy one research writing course (R course). Elements used in grading: As agreed to by instructor. Directed Research petitions are available on the Law School Registrar's Office website (see Petition Process and Forms).

Current Offerings

2015-2016 Autumn

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 01 Class #1023

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 6 Class #32022

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 16 Class #32088

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 20 Class #31963

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 23 Class #31553

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 24 Class #31830

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 37 Class #32111

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 57 Class #31829

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 66 Class #32087

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 68 Class #32093

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 70 Class #32095

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 96 Class #31197

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 97 Class #32023

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Future Offerings

2015-2016 Winter

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 01 Class #1018

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

2015-2016 Spring

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 01 Class #1022

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Past Offerings

2014-2015 Summer

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 20 Class #24099

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 89 Class #24593

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

2014-2015 Spring

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 01 Class #1002

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation. Research Requirement for Law Degree.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 09 Class #34438

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 22 Class #34168

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 32 Class #33886

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 36 Class #33884

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 38 Class #34441

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 51 Class #34294

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 57 Class #33647

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 59 Class #34167

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 66 Class #34124

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 70 Class #34434

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 76 Class #33885

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 79 Class #34293

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 83 Class #34123

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

2014-2015 Winter

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 01 Class #1002

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation. Research Requirement for Law Degree.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 30 Class #33172

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 31 Class #33520

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 32 Class #33483

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 35 Class #33438

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 57 Class #33385

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 59 Class #33058

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 60 Class #33522

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 61 Class #33528

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 66 Class #33101

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 67 Class #33171

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 70 Class #33527

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 75 Class #33420

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 76 Class #33423

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 79 Class #33526

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 85 Class #33521

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 91 Class #33484

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 92 Class #33422

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 96 Class #33361

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

2014-2015 Autumn

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 01 Class #1023

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation. Research Requirement for Law Degree.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 25 Class #32629

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 31 Class #32492

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 34 Class #32495

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 37 Class #32661

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 44 Class #32491

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 51 Class #32494

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 57 Class #32630

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 61 Class #32663

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 68 Class #32586

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 85 Class #31899

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

Directed Research LAW 400 Section 92 Class #32493

  • 1 4 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 2L3LADV

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

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