Barbara van Schewick

Barbara van Schewick

Barbara van Schewick

  • Professor of Law
  • Helen L. Crocker Faculty Scholar
  • Director, Center for Internet and Society
  • Room N262, Neukom Building


  • Antitrust Law
  • Communications Law
  • Constitutional Law (all areas)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Internet & Cyberlaw
  • Net Neutrality

Faculty on Point | Barbara van Schewick on Network Neutrality

Students in Classroom

Policy Practicum: Next Steps in Network Neutrality

Earlier this year, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet rules. This policy practicum will help policy makers assess the available options in the wake of the court’s decision. In December 2010, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted the Open Internet Order, which enacted binding network neutrality rules for the first time. Network neutrality rules limit the ability of Internet service providers to interfere with the applications, content and services on their networks; they allow users to decide how they want to use the Internet without interference from Internet service providers.

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