Juliet M. Brodie

Juliet M. M. Brodie

Juliet M. Brodie

  • Associate Dean of Clinical Education
  • The Mills Professor of Law
  • Director of the Mills Legal Clinic
  • Director of the Stanford Community Law Clinic
  • Room N126, Neukom Building


  • Access to Justice
  • Clinical Education
  • Inequality
  • Public Interest Law
  • Public Interest Practice
  • Welfare & Poverty Law

Stanford Law Professor Discusses Rising Income Inequality in America

Community Law Clinic

Community Law Clinic

The Community Law Clinic (CLC) is fundamentally a trial practice clinic. Based in East Palo Alto, a low-income community four miles from the law school, the CLC is the closest thing to a traditional legal services office among Stanford’s clinical offerings. The signature feature of the CLC is its off-campus location, which gives students the unique opportunity to work in a community-based, storefront, legal aid office. The office affords CLC students extensive client contact, as well as a feel for daily life in East Palo Alto, a “majority-minority City”, which for decades has had a poverty rate well above the national and state rates.

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