Trial Search Results

Study Using Xolair in Rush Multi Oral Immunotherapy in Multi Food Allergic Patients

This is a pilot randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study which will be conducted at a single center. All participants will receive oral immunotherapy for their specific food allergies (limited to 5 of those food allergens in IND 14831). In a 3:1 ratio, 36* participants will receive Xolair for 16 weeks while 12* will receive corresponding placebo instead of Xolair. 12 controls will be enrolled who will receive no OIT and no Xolair. These 12 controls are not part of the randomization. The total number of participants randomized to the two arms is 48*.

Stanford is currently not accepting patients for this trial.

Lead Sponsor:

Stanford University

Collaborator: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Stanford Investigator(s):


  • Drug: Xolair
  • Drug: Placebo


Phase 1/Phase 2


Inclusion Criteria:

   - Participant and/or parent guardian must be able to understand and provide informed
   consent and/or assent as applicable.

   - Age 4 to 55 years with moderate to severe allergy to milk and/or egg and/or peanut
   and/or almond and/or wheat and/or cashew and/or sesame seed and/or soy and/or pecan
   and/or walnut and/or hazelnut

   - ositive skin prick test result greater than or equal to 6 mm wheal diameter to each
   allergen OR

   - ImmunoCAP IgE level >4kU/L for each allergen and

   - A clinical reaction during a DBPCFC to small doses of food defined as < dose of 500 mg
   food protein

   - No clinical reaction observed during the placebo (oat) challenge and

   - If female, must have a negative urine pregnancy test on the same day (using a CLIA
   approved urine test)

   - If female, of child-bearing potential, must agree to be compliant with a
   medically-approved method of contraception (please see Pregnancy section under Patient
   Disposition in this protocol)

   - Plan to remain in the study area of the research center during the trial

   - Be trained on the proper use of the Epinephrine autoinjector

   - Avoid open or blinded food challenges to other allergens outside this study

Exclusion Criteria:

   - Inability or unwillingness of a participant/parent/guardian to give written informed
   consent or comply with study protocol

   - History of cardiovascular disease

   - History of other chronic disease (other than asthma, atopic dermatitis, or rhinitis)
   requiring therapy (e.g., heart disease, diabetes) that, in the opinion of the
   Principal Investigator, would represent a risk to the participant's health or safety
   in this study or the participant's ability to comply with the study protocol

   - A total IgE at screening of >1,500 kU/L

   - Previous adverse reaction to Xolair

   - A history of severe anaphylaxis (defined as requiring intubation or admission to an
   ICU) to food allergens that will be used in this study

   - Unstable angina, significant arrhythmia, uncontrolled hypertension, current smokers,
   chronic sinusitis, or other chronic or immunological diseases that, in the judgment of
   the investigator, might interfere with the evaluation or administration of the test
   drug or pose additional risk to the participant.

   - Current use of oral, intramuscular, or intravenous corticosteroids, tricyclic
   antidepressants, or beta-blockers (oral or topical)

   - Routine use of medication that could induce adverse gastrointestinal reactions during
   the study

   - Refusing to sign the Epinephrine autoinjector Training Form

   - Pregnant or breast feeding women

   - A history of oat allergy (since oat is the placebo agent in the DBPCFC), or an
   objective reaction to the screening DBPCFC to oat

   - Unwilling to avoid all food allergen-containing items except those given as part of
   the OIT as well as any other food allergens you are allergic to that are not included
   in the 10 foods listed in the study

   - Concurrent/prior use of immunomodulatory therapy (within 1 month) ie, omalizumab,
   non-traditional forms of allergen immunotherapy (e.g., oral or sublingual)

   - Severe asthma (2007 NHLBI Criteria Steps 5 or 6) at time of enrollment

   - Mild or moderate asthma (2007 NHLBI Criteria Steps 1-4) at time of enrollment with any
   of the following criteria met:

      - FEV1 < 80% of predicted, or FEV1/FVC < 75%, with or without controller
      medications (only for age 6 or greater and able to do spirometry) or

      - ICS dosing of > 220 mcg daily fluticasone (or equivalent inhaled corticosteroids
      based on NHLBI dosing chart) or

      - 1 hospitalization in the past year for asthma or

      - ER visit for asthma within the past six months

   - Use of steroid medications (IV, IM or oral) in the following manners

      - history of daily oral steroid dosing for >1 month during the past year or

      - steroid burst course ( 5 or more days) of 1 mg/kg prednisone) course in the past
      3 months or

      - >2 steroid burst courses in the past year

   - Use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment modalities (e.g., herbal
   remedies) for atopic and/or non-atopic disease within 90 days preceding rush
   desensitization at week 8or at any time .

   - Inability to discontinue antihistamines for the initial day of escalation, skin
   testing or OFCs

   - Use of investigational drugs within 24 weeks of participation

   - Past or current medical problems or findings from physical assessment or laboratory
   testing that are not listed above, which, in the opinion of the investigator, may pose
   additional risks from participation in the study, may interfere with the participant's
   ability to comply with study requirements or that may impact the quality or
   interpretation of the data obtained from the study.

Ages Eligible for Study

4 Years - 55 Years

Genders Eligible for Study


Not currently accepting new patients for this trial

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Not Recruiting