Websites @ Stanford Medicine

The Digital Services team maintains the AEM web development environment and makes regular feature enhancements to meet the evolving needs of the School's departments and organizations.

Getting Started

To access AEM websites you must complete the required training. Available online, the training takes approximately 3-4 hours to complete. Upon completion you will be granted AEM web author privileges so that you can build or maintain a website(s) in the Stanford Medicine AEM environment. Learn more about the benefits of AEM

I completed the training, and want to create my site. What's next?

How do I move a site from Dreamweaver to AEM?  

First you need to complete the online AEM training.  Once completed request a new AEM site thru our help form.  We will then set up a new AEM starter site where you can move your content.

Before you move your content, we highly recommend performing a comprehensive review of your website to determine if the information you are providing is current and useful to your site visitors. Conducting a content audit (xls) is very useful at this stage.

Need assistance with migrating your site or content? We maintain a list of 3rd party vendors who can help for a fee. Please contact Digital Services for more information. 

Choice of Themes

There are two website themes from which to choose in AEM: Everest and McKinley. The primary difference between them is navigation placement (left side vs. horizontal). K2 is our custom theme and used sparingly. You will select your site's theme when you request a new site, so take some time to review the options.  Each theme is fully responsive, cross-browser compatible, and meets accessibility guidelines.


This theme is based on the top-tier general use pages. The navigation is a three tier vertical layout. 


This theme offers a flexible horizontal navigation system with a wide canvas for content. 

K2 (Custom Toolkit)

This is a toolkit with design elements approved for digital use that can be combined creatively to build custom  sites.  

NOTE: K2 is not available for general use. This is a custom template used for sites that require special needs.

Website Examples