Essential Information, Tools, and Forms

CBES Essentials

  • Summary of Criteria for Pass and Pass with Distinction


  • Direct observations of clinical skills completed (2 per clerkship)
  • RIME Interpreter
    • Solid Reporter skills
    • Emerging Interpreter skills

Pass with Distinction

  • Direct observations of clinical skills completed (2 per clerkship)
  • RIME Manager
    • Solid Reporter and Interpreter skills
    • Emerging Manager skills

RIME Stage Descriptions

Adapted from Pangaro & Holmboe, Evaluation Forms and Global Rating Scales, in Holmboe & Hawkins eds., Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Clinical Competence, Mosby 2008 p 40.

  • Focus at this stage:  Reliable, accurate, complete data-gathering and presentation of clinical information
  • Emphasis on the S/O (Subjective/Objective) part of SOAP. 
  • Student is able to answer the “What” questions (What’s the patient’s blood pressure?  What medications is he taking?  What findings are present on physical exam?)
  • Students are expected move through the reporter stage during preclinical training, i.e. Practice of Medicine



Clerkship Educators Guidebook