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Tucker Carlson
Host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, weeknights at 7 PM ET on . Re-tweets are emphatic endorsements.
Tucker Carlson Dec 2
is back on Monday! Send evidence of the most egregious examples of media bias/dumbness you've seen lately! -TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
is almost over. What do you think of the show so far? Any favorite segments? - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: I got fired from one of my 1st jobs for trying on dresses instead of putting them away. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: People are not seeing a move in their salaries at all. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
It's almost time for THE FRIEND ZONE! is coming up in just 3 minutes.Tune in to - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: It's crazy and just another example of 's policies being progressively bad for NYC - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: Mayor wants to make New York City a sanctuary city for heroin junkies - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
Should taxpayer money be used to allow people to shoot heroin in public? Brooklyn City Council candidate is NEXT - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: You had a great product in . - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: Democrats need a better mode of connection. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: We need to start farming better candidates. Our leadership is old. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
. on clash of the and campaigns: This one was particularly ugly. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
NEXT: Clash of the campaigns! Shouting match erupts btwn & campaign staff. is up next- TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: Some colleges in the U.S. are practicing reverse racism. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
. explains why she says the Democrats, not , are racializing politics - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: If you want to talk about racialized discourse, talk to police. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
Who is responsible for racializing our politics? Manhattam Institute's tells us NOW - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: No president ever finds top advisers whose views are 100% in confluence with his. - TCT
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Tucker Carlson Dec 2
.: It was a very serious conversation with - TCT
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