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Dec 8 2015 | Upcoming Events
The Department of Music's Winter 2016 event schedule has been announced and can be reviewed in Upcoming Events. As usual, many of our events are free. Our ticketed events, including several in Bing Concert Hall, are now on sale at the Stanford Ticket Office.  
The application period for Department of Music Awards opens January 4, 2016 (applications must be submitted by Monday, February 29). 
Nov 30 2015
A downloadable PDF of December 2015 Music events with descriptions has just been published, for posting wherever it might be of use. For the latest event info, visit our Upcoming Events feed. Many of our events are free!
Nov 5 2015 | Stanford Report
Stanford scholars Adrian Daub and Charles Kronengold have made the theme songs of James Bond movies a subject for humanistic inquiry in their new book, The James Bond Songs: Pop Anthems of Late Capitalism. Stanford News writer Angela Becerra Vidergar talked to the two authors to get the deeper...
Oct 28 2015
With first-round ballots for the Grammy Awards nominations now being reviewed by the members of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, the 2016 Grammy cycle is moving towards the December 7th announcement of nominations. The St.
